Will Smith November 14, 2016
Dear Will:
I’ve finally decided that it’s time to reach out to you. Actually, two letters were rejected when my son was a struggling actor in NYC. He graduated from Temple U. with a degree in Dramatic Arts. Presently, the writing of screen-plays is his creative focus as his priority has become the needs of his son. Like father, like son, may be the pattern. At any rate, David never approved of my drafts to request assistance in your mutual profession. I’m fond of asserting that there could never be a Men in Black if I had dropped you on your head.
Your tentative plans for a political career, in a recent interview, provided the impetus for this communication. There was further encouragement from your respect of your grandmother’s influence on your career. Perhaps my only credential of importance is that Mrs. Bright would have been one of my most fervent advocates. There are reasons that she chose Dr. G to deliver you when Dr. Lowenberg was in a traffic jam. There were eleven other residents and more than twenty Jefferson Obstetricians. There are reasons that she apologized at her decision to “retire” from her past time employment as my recovery room nurse. Mrs. Bright would have professed that I was a minority physician targeted for political gain, not a media monster. And she may have agreed with my perspective that there are underlying foundations beyond sanctity for life. Progressives oppose the low wages of an under-class and are not threatened by the “Browning of America”.
It was surprising to learn that my experiences with prosecutorial misconduct, misrepresentation by even paid attorneys and the “frailties and inadequacies” of the Criminal Justice System are common to many, many inmates. My situation may be unique only in the documentation of the abuse. However, my forty years of clinical experience with community medicine and addictive disease can be enlightening in regard to mass incarceration as well as vocational lattices.
My contention is that a politician, relevant for people of color, need be fluent with issues which include: mental health capitation, the public and pharmacology industry’s over-emphasis on “magic bullets”, intuitive judgements, unconscious attitudes, implicit bias, cognitive bias, acceptable deception and planned deceit. Personally, I have confidence in eventual vindication as so many gross errors occurred in my proceedings.
Most importantly, I continue to be interested in Patricia’s welfare. And if she’s not already developed a “raison d’etre”, my vision is of a position as Executive Director of my non-profit Defense and Educational Fund.
If successful in inciting your interest or concern, I look forward to your response.
Kermit Barron Gosnell, M.D.
(Letter is courtesy: Ann and Phelim Media LLC)