At 11:45 am, 7AM arrived at the rolling out studios — the artist know as The Actual 7AM. This young, sober-minded, free-spirited brother has an aura that consumed the room. Preparing for our social media live stream, we conversed about music. Through observation, it did not take much to recognize the new talent that is a diamond in the rough.
Every so often one can see and hear the voice of a star. 7AM has the “it” factor. During our live stream, he proved that by captivating the audience, as he serenaded them with four measures of impromptu singing. He had the ladies sending “heart” replies by the thousands.
Find out more about 7AM, what inspires him and check out his current project, Sober.
Who is 7AM?
SevenAM is an artist of many forms. I find myself dabbling in photography, painting, fashion, etc. If it’s a platform that promotes self-expression and individuality, I’m all about it.
How would define your personal brand?
My personal brand can be defined by one simple word — freedom. To me, I believe that art should have no boundaries or lanes. It should just be taken and appreciated for what it is and not forced into a box to be generalized. Plain and simple, I do what I feel with no intention of conforming to the standard. Some would say, like a rebel with a cause.
How would you describe your style of music?
My sound is definitely a fusion of genres. The biggest components of my sound are soul, alternative, trap (drums), and of course, R&B
What led you to music in general?
I grew up in church and my grandfather was a pastor. My first musical experience was in gospel—and was at a very young age. From that point, music has always been a big part of my life. In fact, it’s THE biggest part of my life.
Do you most often actively seek inspiration or does it find you?
I’m inspired daily by a wide array of things such as interactions with peers, lovers, family, or even talking to others about their own situations in life. Life itself is my inspiration so as long as I’m living, I’m inspired.
How do you stay at the leading edge of your craft?
To me, staying ahead of your craft should really be every artist’s main focus. I create daily and music is always on my mind. Even as I listen to music, I’m constantly dissecting and studying each sound I hear. It allows me to explore more with my own music and expand mentally in my creative process. The trick to it is not losing site of the passion. Music comes first.
Your album Sober what was the inspiration behind the project?
The Sober album is a depiction of my life’s emotional roller coaster over the past four years. I wrote it with the intention to express my emotional and mental state during my relationships while attending college, being homeless; pursuing music and calling quits to it. The last song, “Solo” is the song that ends the project and tells my current situation in life. It also depicts my pursuit of happiness in my career with a nostalgic undertone and ultimately letting go of relationships completely.
Any one song on this project have any significant meaning?
My favorite song on the album is “Hell of a Love.” No matter what I’ve got going on, it always puts me in a good mood.
I hear an infusion of live instrumentation with a mellow vibe, was that intentional?
The live instrumentation in the music was definitely intentional. It’s a really important part of the sound and an element I hope to build upon with my future projects.
How does 7AM live life to the fullest?
I’m a bit of a thrill seeker. I rather enjoy doing “crazy” things. The more an activity gets my heart pumping, the better. I’m definitely in work-mode right now so that’s calmed down a bit. I’m sure that’ll change as soon as we’ve reached our goal for this project.
Name two of your role models.
One of my biggest role models in music would have to be Prince. His life and passion for music is nothing less than inspirational. Another role model for me would actually be my entire label family at Digital Mass Inc. They definitely keep me on track and take care of me. Couldn’t ask for a better support system.
Name any books, works, performances or exhibits that changed how you view life and/or yourself.
I’m a movie/Netflix fiend. I’m constantly watching new things and my favorites change from time to time. One of my all time favorites is the Matrix trilogy. My favorite show right now is Black Mirror. My favorite books are the Harry Potter collections. Those books and movies got me through a lot of rough times as a kid. I used to imagine being a kid at Hogwarts to escape some of the things that were happening at home.
What affirmations do you repeat to yourself that contribute to your success?
Every single day I tell myself to stay focused. There are so many things that happen around me that can be distracting — and I can’t afford that.
What is next for you?
Doing live shows and continuing to promote Sober is my main focus right now. Many performance opportunities have been surfacing and it’s a pleasure to get in front of new audiences. My schedule is ever-changing but I’m pretty active on social media. Finding me at upcoming shows is pretty easy!