Kaelin Hurst talks about the mission of her YSF blog

Credit: Instagram @ysfblog
Photo credit: Instagram – @ysfblog
Attention all millennial business professionals in Detroit: Kaelin Hurst has a vision for fellow entrepreneurs. Hurst plans to bring all young business savvy professionals in Detroit together to create a platform for collaborating, networking, and building their brands. Hurst’s Y.S.F. blog (Yung, Saved, and Fabulous) presented the Visionary Panel: The Networking Event for Millennials on Saturday, April 8, 2017. The event was held at The Ponyride warehouse in the heart of Downtown Detroit, and by the end of the night, it was clear that Hurst had successfully accomplished her mission by packing the house with young, hungry, and ambitious millennials who came ready to learn.
The event featured a panel discussion filled with successful entrepreneurs and millennials from across metro Detroit. The panelists included Latrice Delgado-Macon, founder of The Styling Closet; Bee Brown, CEO of The Bee Agency; C’erra E., creator of Anthony Neil Leather; Kala Wilburn, founder of Fannie Lucille Fashion; India Irving, owner of PNK Elephant clothing boutique; Valentina, founder of Vajze Jewelry; Jermaine James, founder of Bellwether Fashion; Chi, co-founder  of Young Productive Life, Rare Boutique; and Kimberly Dobine, creative director of Posh and Popular. Each panelist shared their story and success formulas as attendees paid close attention, and took copious notes. Hurst encouraged guests to bring business cards for networking purposes and urged them to connect with other millennials.
Photo courtesy of Kaelin Hurst
“The Visionary Panel was an opportunity for millennials to gain exclusive information on business strategies, financial tips, and steps to build brand awareness. I’m working to help professionals find their respective vision that God has given them through workshops and events. I created the Y.S.F. blog brand to provide a platform where millennials are able to network and connect with other like-minded individuals. Our mission is to help educate and inform millennials of opportunities and collaborations,” Hurst explained.
Read what else Hurst shared with rolling out.

Who is Kaelin Hurst, and what started your vision for YSF blog?

I’m a woman of Christ, blogger, driven, entrepreneur and fashionista! I’m a visionary; whenever I have a vision I make it happen. YSF blog was a vision God gave me to show young women that they can be a dope believer who represents Christ through fashion, faith, and beauty.

How long have you been an entrepreneur? How old is your business?

I started selling my Yung Saved & Fabulous T-shirt line in September 2015. My business was birthed in September 2015, so almost two years now!

What is different about the platform that you provide?

I believe that my platform is to help educate and bring young millennials together. I feel like my platform is based on who God has made me to be.

What is the purpose of the YSF blog?

My purpose for YSF blog is to share my testimony through events and workshops but also to allow others to see Christ within me.

Was the Visionary Panel your first event for your blog? Do you plan to have another event in the near future?

No, it was my third event. My first event for YSF blog was in March 2016 called “Embrace Your Beauty,” which I’ll be having another one soon this upcoming fall. Yes, I plan to have two more events this year!

YSF means Yung, Fabulous, and Saved. Some millennials aren’t drawn to anything that has to do with Christianity. Do you plan to only highlight entrepreneurs that are “saved,” or are you willing to work with those who aren’t saved, but who still have a vision?

I believe that a lot of millennials aren’t drawn to the church, but I believe that I’m supposed to be a vessel for nonbelievers. So, with having events and workshops, that can be a way for Christ to reach them. I’m willing to work with people who aren’t saved, but I will not compromise my vision that God instilled in me.

Who are some companies that you would like to engage with as sponsor?

I would definitely want to work with Nordstrom, Zara, H&M, Forever 21, and a few more companies.

How and why did you choose your panelists?

I chose my panelists based on who was willing to teach other millennials. But most of the panelists I have some style of relationship with so I just asked if they’d be willing to speak.

Where can our readers find you?

You can find me on all social media handles @ysfblog and check out my website with exclusive footage of “The Visionary Panel” on www.yungsavedandfabulous.com

Photos in the gallery courtesy of Kaelin Hurst

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