Bill Cosby plans sexual assault awareness tour for nation’s youth

Bill Cosby plans sexual assault awareness tour for nation's youth
(Photo credit: Eugene Parciasepe /

The recent criminal trial of comedian Bill Cosby was a stressful and some would say traumatic period in his life. Now that Cosby has emerged victorious he plans to help others.

Cosby’s spokespeople, Andrew Wyatt and Ebonee Benson appeared on “Good Day Alabama” Wednesday and announced that Cosby is planning a series of town halls this summer to educate young people about sexual assault.

“Mr. Cosby wants to get back to work and right now we are planning town halls … sometime in July to talk to young people because this is bigger than Bill Cosby. This issue can affect any young person, especially athletes of today. … They need to know what they’re facing when they’re hanging out at parties. When they’re doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing. It also affects men,” Wyatt said.

Benson added, “Laws are changing. The statute of limitations on sexual assault are being extended. So this is why people need to be educated on why a brush against a shoulder, anything at this point can be considered a sexual assault. It’s a good thing to be educated about the laws.”

Her comment about a brush against a shoulder is a strange example to give for sexual assault in light of Cosby’s reported activities with women. A portion of a deposition given in 2005 given by Cosby reads:

Q: Did you give her Quaaludes?

A: Yes.

Q: What effect did the Quaaludes have on her?

A: She became in those days what was called high.

Q: She said that she believes she was not in the position to consent to intercourse after you gave her the drug. Do you believe that is correct?

A: I don’t know. … How many years ago are we talking about? 197(6)? … I meet Ms. Picking in Las Vegas. She meets me backstage. I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex.

Perhaps by giving his town hall-style meetings to young people, he can warn them about giving women Quaaludes and then having sex with them, After all, doing such a substance today would be like giving a woman a date rape drug, something at age 79, Cosby seems strongly against.

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