Angelle Turman is looking for the next big reality TV star in Atlanta

Angelle Turman is looking for the next big reality TV star in Atlanta
Photo provided by Angelle Turman

Angelle Turman is hosting an audition for the next big reality TV star. The audition will take place on Sunday, July 23, 2017 at Pizza Bar located on Atlanta’s southside. She’s looking for flight attendants.

Read more about Turman here and what makes her tick.

How did you arrive at this career choice?
As a little girl, my mom made sure I was well versed. We traveled to different places in the world and the flight attendants were so glamorous. I was intrigued by their lifestyle. traveling abroad and getting paid for it was a win-win for me.

What separates you from others in your field?
I love my job and I’m blessed to travel for a living. I enjoy interacting with the passengers to make them feel relaxed.

For those considering entering this arena, what skill sets do you recommend mastering?
Patience, patience, patience which I am constantly working on within myself. I’m a work in progress and the master of my own destiny.

Do you think there are widely held misconceptions about what you do?
There are so many misconceptions about flight attendants. We are not educated, we make no money, and my favorite. It’s all glamour every day. Flight attendants are some of the most intelligent, creative people I know. Most of use make over six figures and have our own business.

How do you map out your goals? How do you measure success? I set monthly quarterly and yearly goals for myself. When I see my progression, it inspires me to set bigger goals. My success is measured by my growth as a person.

Angelle Turman is looking for the next big reality TV star in Atlanta

Why do you consider continued learning?
If you stop learning you might as well die. If you can’t grow anymore why live

Name three books, works, performances or exhibits that changed how you view life and/or yourself.
I love the books The Prayer Reign and Rich Dad, Poor Dad but the Grace Kelly exhibit give me a new outlook life. The film star left a lucrative career to become a princess of another country.This showed me life can be fruitful beyond our own country. I don’t have to be boxed into a old others feel I have to accept.

What is your favorite vacation destination? I love love love Nassau and everything about it. The food is awesome, the culture is so laid back, the sun and no tax at the Gucci store.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? How different races are viewed and stereotyped

If you could change one thing about you what would it be?
My mouth. I’m a little sassy and crass. If it comes up it comes out.

What keeps you inspired?
The memory of my ancestors.

What scriptures are you leaning on? (Luke 12:22-25) Do not be anxious. Which one of you can add a single hour to his span by being anxious.

How do you stay connected with fans? I stay connected with fans via social media and just being me. When you don’t change who you are there is always a connection. Im human like everyone else so fans can connect with my life situations and or issues.

Whats on your playlist? Everything from Jay-Z to Nic Jonas.

Where did you vacation this summer? My last vacation was to Ibiza in May. Next, I will b heading to Santorini, Greece.

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