Kenneth Guidroz Jr., K.P. for short, is a former Division 1 college football player. The New Orleans-bred model and actor who now lives in NYC says, “My goal is to make life as easy, simple and fun as possible by using my God-given talents and persistent hard work.”
He adds, “Growing up in New Orleans, you play sports. It’s a very small town, no other opportunities but to play sports or you go work in the labor field. Whatever season it was that’s the sport I did. Eventually, I gravitated toward football and earned myself a full scholarship to Tulane University. Like most football players, the NFL was the main goal. It was pretty much my best opportunity to ensure I would make it out of the small town. I felt it gave me the best chance to provide for my family.”
Read more of his interview here.
What was the process like of becoming a professional model?
The process for me was totally life-changing. I was an athlete, a total macho man and now I was going to do something that required basically no physical skills life football did. It’s a different language — I had to transform my body. I had to become self-aware of my appearance and my skin. I had to change [my] workout routines and eating habits. But the biggest challenge was moving to the big city of New York where I knew absolutely no one and had never been before.

What are your rituals before a photo shoot or runway show?
The main rituals I have before a shoot are to make sure I’m 100 percent prepared physically if it requires less clothing and to get proper rest the night before.
What has been the most challenging experience in the modeling industry?
The most challenging [thing] is [having] patience. If you don’t have patience then you should probably find another profession. Everyone wants success over night but that’s simply just not realistic. Learn to accept the word ‘no’ ’cause you’ll hear it a lot.
What advice would you give to someone seeking to become a professional model?
To do their research and to be truly honest with them self. Most people want to be a model or actor because of the fame side of it but very few actually reach that height. Also, understand where your market is and push toward that vision. Don’t just pick any agency because you want to be signed. Your agent has to believe in you in order to speak for you.
What has been your biggest achievement thus far?
I’ve had many great and memorable accomplishments thus far but being the face of Ralph Lauren’s Polo Red Extreme fragrance is tops. There are not many people of color that have had the opportunity to accomplish that and it makes me very proud to represent that community.
Acting is on your radar, what have you been doing to prepare?
I’ve been working on the craft for almost three years now. I’m auditioning and continuing to take necessary courses, reading scripts and researching the business.
What has fatherhood been like for you?
Very rewarding. It has kept me focus[ed] and sharp. When it’s not just you that you have to provide for it makes you dig deeper to makes things happen. You want your kid to have a better chance at life than you had growing up. It’s also very rewarding knowing someone is watching your every move and looks up to you. I enjoy showing my son new and exciting things.
What would you like to see happen in the next five years?
I hope to continue traveling the world and working in show biz. I’m hoping to become a marvel superhero so I can watch my son flip out. Most importantly I want to remain healthy and continue to make meaningful relationships along the way. The journey and the people that come into my life is what it’s all about.
Follow him on social media:
Instagram: kguidroz1
Twitter: www.twitter.com/kennethguidroz
Tumblr: www.kennethguidroz.tumblr.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MrKennethGuidroz