Caitlyn Jenner found herself in the hot seat with her own trans community this week when the world-renowned athlete was spotted wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat in the wake of President Donald Trump’s infamous transgender military ban. Now there are reports that Jenner’s Kardashian family members think of her as a hypocrite.
For those who don’t know, Jenner was highly critical of Trump after he publicly claimed that transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the military because they would be a distraction. After Trump’s declaration, Jenner wrote an open letter blasting POTUS’ decision.
“President Donald Trump tweeted this morning that transgender service members will no longer be allowed to serve “in any capacity” in the U.S. military. Studies estimate there are as many as 15,000 transgender people [are] already serving this country — and for those brave people fighting for our nation, Trump’s early morning tweets must be devastating. I believe every American should be outraged by the disrespect shown to those people wearing our country’s uniform,” wrote Jenner.
Well, Jenner’s critique and her character were brought into question this week when she was spotted driving in Malibu with a bright red “Make America Great Again” hat, and according to reports it wasn’t just fans who were disappointed in her fashion choice, it was Jenner’s family too.
Sources say that the Kardashians think that Jenner only supports transgender rights when it benefits her and that the way she supports views and public figures that don’t support her own community is hurtful to her LGBT fans.
“Caitlyn has always been about Caitlyn,” said an unnamed source.
However, according to a report, Jenner claims that the hat fiasco is all one big mistake and that she didn’t mean to show support to Trump. According to sources, Jenner mistakenly picked up the hat, needing something to protect her hair while riding in her convertible to go golfing in Malibu. Jenner didn’t realize her goof up until after she’d already hit a few balls and needed a hat to protect her hair on the way home.
Jenner drove with the hat but decided to switch to a golf visor when making a stop at Starbucks. However, she switched back to the hat on the way home from Starbucks before realizing that she’d left her purse at the coffee shop. The trans celebrity then drove back with the Trump hat still on and ended up getting photographed on her way back home.
Jenner reportedly says she was mortified by her mistake and apologized.
“I apologize to all of the trans community. I made a mistake. I will never do it again and I’m getting rid of the hat,” Jenner reportedly said.
Do you think Jenner is a hypocrite in this situation or do you think she just made an innocent mistake?