Greg Jones is the owner and lead trainer at Elite Fitness Pros based out of the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Certified through the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) and International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), Jones utilizes his profound fitness expertise and fun loving personality to motivate his clients to healthier lifestyles.
In 2013, Jones was voted as one of the District’s Best Personal Trainers by the Washington City Paper; an accolade very few have achieved. His results yielding programs have proven to be at the forefront of the fitness industry.
Through his experience working at the headquarters of both Nike and Under Armour, Jones has begun to infuse technology into his top of the line fitness programs. This unique approach allows for flexible scheduling and access to personalized workouts, nutritional programs, and a readily available certified personal trainer anywhere in the world through the Elite Fitness Pros App. Jones developed and hand crafted this application that can be accessed through any computer or smartphone specifically with his clients in mind.
Being designated as the official trainer of the Miss United States Intercontinental Pageant and football position coach at Ron Brown College Preparatory High School are a few examples of how Jones continuously shares his fitness knowledge in multiple capacities. With a strong passion for health, fitness, and overall well-being, Jones looks forward to helping others successfully reach their fitness goals. Read what he has to say.
What is the mission of Elite Fitness Pros?
Our mission is to educate and motivate individuals through the process of living healthier lives. We aim to provide high quality programs and services that allow our clients to not only reach their fitness goals but to exceed them and set new ones.
How have you maintained in such a competitive market like fitness?
I am always learning and staying on top of the latest studies and trends in fitness. Also, we’re expanding our reach by creating our fitness app. But ultimately through our ability to help our clients reach their goals.
Tell us about your app.
The Elite Fitness Pros app is a subscription-based fitness application that provides guided online group training and custom online personal training.
All group fitness programs are curated by our certified personal trainers who serve as the facilitator of your program. Our in app group message board connects you with other members participating in the same online program, providing a sense of community and accountability.
Online personal training is a uniquely customized program geared solely toward reaching your goals. The training program is created by your designated trainer based on your individual needs.
How would you encourage others who are not inspired to workout to get healthier and fit?
I would explain to them the importance of working out expands beyond just looking good in the mirror. We are focusing on doing our part to extend life and improve the quality of life. Many of the diseases that come about — heart disease and diabetes to name a few — can be prevented by adopting healthier eating habits and participating in regular exercise.

Tell us about the biggest success story of your career.
I consider it a success anytime I’m able to help someone improve their life through fitness but my biggest success was more of a mental transformation than a physical one.
I was working with a young lady who had been overweight for most of her life and had recently been placed on high blood pressure medication along with a few others. When she first came to me for help, her self-confidence was low, she only saw her limitations, and often spoke about what she could not do, often times without trying.
Through consistent positive talk, celebrating small wins, and always combating talks of limits with talk of possibilities, I was able to retrain her brain to the point that she was often ready to conquer the next challenge.
This mental transformation led to her losing over 70 pounds that year and she no longer needed her medication.
What tips can you provide to someone who can’t go to the gym?
I have a philosophy that the gym is everywhere. And, what I mean by that is, you don’t have to have fancy machines or equipment to get in a great workout. Bodyweight exercises can be performed virtually anywhere, if you need to add some extra weight resistance but don’t have weights, use gallon jugs of water or knock out a few squats while holding your toddler. There are also great options like our online fitness app that provide great workouts you can perform [at] home with no need for gym access.
What dietary advice can you share with us?
The biggest one would be to become knowledgeable about food. Learn to read nutrition labels and learn how your body processes carbs, proteins, and fats. I’m a big believer in the things that get measured are the things that get managed. So log your food and be aware of how many calories, carbs, proteins and fats you are consuming. Apps like MyFitnessPal and the Elite Fitness Pros are great for that.
A more specific tip is the reverse pyramid method. With this method, you have your largest meal at breakfast, a medium size meal at lunch and a small meal at dinner. “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.”
What’s next for your career move?
I’m am looking to expand the reach of my current fitness services and also continue to share my fitness knowledge through TV, radio and press. My eventual goal will be to publish my first book to not only aid in physical transformations but also retraining the brain for success.