Trump’s racist friend Joe Arpaio reignites birther debate against Obama

Trump’s racist friend Joe Arpaio reignites birther debate against Obama
Photo credit: Twitter – @joearpaio

Donald Trump’s ascension to the White House began on a racist lie. The reality TV star and real estate investor began to gain a political following after he claimed that President Barack Obama was not an American citizen. The entire notion of birtherism was basically presented by White racists who wanted to discredit Obama and his achievements. For those racist Whites, there was no way that a Black man such as Obama could make history without cheating.

Trump used the racist idea as a political tool and rallied like-minded racists. One of those racist people who promoted birtherism is Trump’s friend Joe Arpaio. Arpaio’s entire career in law enforcement was criminal. He created tent city jails in Arizona that were inhumane to prisoners who were forced to live in scorching hot tents that would often reach over 100 degrees. Arpaio was eventually convicted of racially profiling Latinos. Trump recently pardoned his racist friend even after receiving backlash.

Now that Arpaio is a free man, he wants to continue his racist crusade. In 2012, Arpaio used taxpayers’ money to send one of his deputies to Hawaii in search of Obama’s birth certificate. Of course, it ended up being a waste of taxpayers’ money and resources.

But even after failing to find evidence and Obama showing his birth certificate in 2011, Arpaio is back on the hunt. In an interview with the Mercury News, Arpaio said that he would began searching for Obama’s birth certificate again. Arpaio claims that Obama’s birth certificate “has to go down as the biggest cover-up in the history of the United States.”

We live in an era where the president of the United States is an overt racist who pals around with other racists. Their entire agenda is to strengthen the cause of White supremacy while making life difficult for minorities on every level.

At some point, legislation must be passed to outlaw racist language and rhetoric from being spewed by individuals who hold public office.

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