Diann Valentine wants Black women to experience amoré with ‘To Rome for Love’

Diann Valentine wants Black women to experience amoré with 'To Rome for Love'
To Rome with Love cast photo provided BRAVO

We’ve heard the statistics, numbers don’t lie. Black women outnumber Black men and there aren’t enough brothers to go around. Love expert Diann Valentine feels she has an option that could prove helpful for discouraged Black women feeling love may no longer be an option in their future. Valentine’s new show, “To Rome for Love” suggests Black women open their dating pool to include non-African American men, especially men of Italian descent that may appreciate their physical and internal attributes more.

“We need to look at the trajectory of the Black family – it’s changing – Black men are often opting for women who aren’t Black. Aside from the number of men opting outside their race, Black men are dealing with variables like mass incarceration, being uneducated and plain old unavailable that prevent them from being suitable mates for many Black women. Many women are still set on having a Black man as their partners but the numbers don’t add up and they don’t lie. I think women need to come to terms with the fact that love may not look the way we thought it would growing up,” Valentine said.

In the new series “To Rome for Love,” Valentine takes five beautiful and successful Black women to Rome, Italy to experience dating men of another culture.

“Initially, the ladies are pleasantly surprised because they aren’t used to getting that type of attention in the US. Some of them mentioned feeling like a queen or celebrity because of the men’s reactions to their physical beauty,” Valentine explained. Still, as the series progresses, Valentine says some of the women will learn that the issues stopping them from finding love in the States makes its way over to Rome.

Valentine said she chose Rome because many Italian men value the stereotypical characteristics that many times Black women hear are unattractive to Black men.

“Being bossy and aggressive aren’t always seen as negative traits,” she explained. Also the fact that many Black women have refused to give up on Black men although they continue hearing many brothers consider other races and cultures as viable options speaks to the loyalty of Black women. “This inability to see ourselves in love with someone else speaks to one of the greatest characteristics about Black women, in that we are loyal. While our men were being lynched years ago we were on the sidelines fighting for them. It was a Black woman who started Black lives matter in an effort to fight for the young Black men that she was tired of seeing killed in the streets. Our loyalty is what makes us special.”

Watching some of these successful Black women deal with a man in a different country who speaks a different language should prove entertaining. She said, “I see some of the women not realizing they need to compromise and it helps me deal with the whole woman, not just trying to find them love in Rome, but trying to show them what they can do to make themselves more available to love.”

“To Rome for Love” airs Sunday, Jan. 7 at 9/8 CST on BRAVO. After talking with Diann Valentine, I’m wondering how we can charter a plane and a bunch of us head over to Rome with her for the next season! We’re here for it, Ms.Valentine!

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