Another marriage has been devoured by reality TV.
Dr. Simone Whitmore, 50, and her husband Cecil Whitmore, 51, have thrown up the deuces to each other and filing for divorce. They are currently the longest married couple on BRAVO’s “Married to Medicine.” The couple has been married for 21 years and has two sons, Miles, 19 and Michael, 15. The pair first met when Simone Whitmore was attending Atlanta’s famed Spelman College.
Mrs. Whitmore had this to say about the inevitable dissolution of the marriage: “I have reached a place where I am in a marriage where I do not feel loved and no sacrifices are being made for me to make me feel loved. I must move on,” she said, according to People magazine.
The reality star tried to peep her cast mates on the fact that her marriage was circling the drain in previous episodes and seasons, saying: “He’s just so hostile and angry about every little thing. When somebody is being mean, it’s hard to replace that with something nice or smile. It’s difficult.

“I know Cecil and I look like a fun couple to everyone on the outside, but it takes more to make a marriage work.
“One of the things I was most proud about on our show was the realistic portrayal of Black love, with all of the married couples showing America the real ups and downs of raising families. And sadly … divorce is 50 percent in this country. As a successful woman who truly loves herself, I will continue to make sure that I am empowering myself. Divorce is nothing that anyone should be feeling sorry for me, because I am looking forward to a new chapter, a new life, a new beginning. Life has so much to offer me. I have always been a go-getter and I am going to continue to be a go-getter and to strive for the very best that life has to offer,” she said on the show.
Check out the episode below:

Source: YouTube/Bravo/Married to Medicine