Jessica Mosley says there is power in unity

Jessica Mosley says there is power in unity
Photo credit: IG @Mizceo0717

Jessica Mosley is the CEO of J. Mosley Publishing and MizCEO magazine with a superpower in public relations. Mosley is fierce, fabulous and focused. From her career as a well-known media contributor for outlets such as Huffington Post, Sheen Magazine and Forbes, Mosley is often the go-to person for all things PR. Her clients have often appeared on the “Steve Harvey Show,” ABC, MSNBC, OWN, “Good Morning America” and more.

Rolling out had the pleasure of sitting down with this amazing woman to find out more about how she became so successful in her business.

Why is it important for women of color to lead or work in leadership roles and decision-making capacities?

Far too long, we’ve been in the background … far background. To see women of color in the forefront means that progression is taking place. I always tell women, if you are going to be at the table, make sure you bring something to that table. Be educated. Education and intelligence on a woman of color is definitely a door opener.

If you could thank any Black woman history maker for her contributions to society, who would it be and why?

Sarah Jakes Roberts. Not just because we share the same birthday, but I love how passionate she is about women healing. I love how she is not afraid to share her truth and expose her scars, mistakes, and deep wounds. It takes a real woman to be vulnerable.

How do you feel about the hashtag #CollaborationOverCompetition? What qualities or values do you deem indispensable in your business partners or collaborators?

One saying that I live by is #RealWomenDontCompeteTheyCollaborate! Collaboration is so powerful. There is power in unity. We get more done when we join forces together to make [an] impact.

What are your thoughts on taking risks? Making mistakes?

Risks are necessary for business if you want to grow. Mistakes are just learning opportunities. I embrace them.

What are three success habits you implement into your daily routine to maintain your success, sanity, peace of mind, etc.?

I am a God-fearing, praying woman. I have corporate prayer first thing in the morning with other believers. I then repeat affirmations from the Word of God. And I also pray by myself. This keeps me sane. I am basically just saying what God says about me.

What inspires you to show up at work every day?

Money. Can’t get enough of that. In all seriousness, hearing and seeing my clients succeed is motivation enough.

Who or what motivates you and why?

This is such a loaded question. My husband, our children, my mom motivates me. I still am the girl [who] wants my mom to be proud of me. I love receiving awards and recognition for my hard work.

How did you determine your career path?

Honestly, what I’m doing now, I’ve been doing my entire life. I used to get in trouble in grade school for writing notes to my classmates and sharing stories. I’ve always been a motivator and coach. The truth is, I love helping women be the best that they can be. But, I think having to live in a battered women shelter is what compelled me to do this life work.

Facebook: Jessica Mosley

IG: @mizceo0717

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