Taffi Dollar is a world-renowned author, teacher and spiritual leader. She is the senior pastor of World Changers Church International with her husband, Creflo Dollar. Dollar was called to women’s ministry and uses her platform to help change the lives of women in her community. As a woman who is admired, she has transitioned into writing books on gender roles and relationships. It is her goal to bring clarity to issues that women face while trying to maintain a balance between work and society. She spoke with rolling out about her upcoming three-day event, the 2018 Radical Women’s Conference.
Who is Taffi Dollar?
A woman who lives by faith-based principles. In my personal life, I am a mother of five. I’ve been working with a women’s ministry for 34 years, primarily in the city of Atlanta. I am a product of the public school system … . I have a masters in Mental Health and human services. I am just someone who helps people to improve the quality of their lives.
What is the Radical Women’s Ministry?
It is a ministry that started 25 years ago in the city of College Park and we’ve grown to eight different locations across the globe. It’s an organization that focuses on sisterhood and helps women to understand their purpose and vision. We’ve been able to do a lot of great work; we focus on outreach activities, as well … women in prostitution and the adult entertainment industry. We’re all about growth and serving women at risk.
Tell me about the 2018 Radical Revolution Conference?
It is our second year now. I had gone to Johannesburg in 2015 and had an epiphany and really understood the importance of walking in and practicing gender equality in relationships, specifically marriage and family. I came back home and started teaching the importance of evolving our lives professionally and personally. I knew it was an evolution in my life and began having the same impact on my girlfriends, my family, and my church. We’ve called it a revolution because it’s us understanding how to relate and serve and lead together, male and female.
What can people expect from this conference?
I think they can expect a tremendous empowerment of information, personal revelation of how they can really go after their dreams and hopes and aspirations and to not be limited by their race, gender, and class. We’ve invited some of the top Christian singers as well as singers to really be able to share the journey they’ve had. We have a men’s panel planned to learn from them to see what they feel. They can expect an event where women can leave and feel like they can do what they were meant to do.
Tell me about your new book coming out, The Grace of Mutual Submission: Beyond Marriage and Domination.
Mutual submission is something that I am passionate about. We can’t function as an island in society. Women need each other; we can do better when men are involved. Companies that have diversity have much better results. I think that the word submission is a biblical word and one that is very oppressive to women and used out of context, especially in the church. We’re talking about it beyond marriage, beyond the church. Submission must be mutual with all parties in order to have success.
What do you hope readers will gain from reading your books?
I’ve written for a long time; I don’t know what number book this is. I’ve always written in this space to encourage women. I am an avid reader. My mother was very impactful in my life, so I see the need for the seasoned, mature women to share their stories with the younger women coming up.
What advice do you have for young women who are trying to find their way?
I think you have to surround yourself in the right environment … if it’s a book, or following someone’s life from a far that you aspire to be like. Read their books and attend whatever events they are having so that you can understand some of the intangible things that enabled them to get where they are. A lot of times, we think that they are an overnight success but successful people have been doing what they are doing for a long time. Just really seek what your purpose and your vision are. Find out what you’re passionate about, what gets you excited. Discover and ask God what you are supposed to do and allow him to speak to your life. I believe he can and he wants to speak to us…
Do you have any mentors that you look up to?
Yes, I do. From a far, I’m inspired by many women. Our former first lady of the United States [Michelle Obama]. My Christian leaders have been very impactful in my life; Dr. Betty Price; my college professors. My mother was very influential in my life as an educator. That inspired me to go into counseling and mental health.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
The 2018 Radical Revolution Conference will have musical guests, speakers, a panel, an expo and a pop-up shop.