Kenya Moore had quite the shocking revelation during the latest “Real Housewives of Atlanta” reunion when she revealed that she’s pregnant with her first child with her husband Marc Daly. As fans of the show know, it’s been a long and hard road traveled for Moore to become a mother and she recently opened up about the IVF treatment she underwent to become pregnant.
In a recent interview with People, Moore explained that unlike the horror stories that fans usually read about when it comes to celebrity IVF treatments, hers was, thankfully, simple and easy.
“I don’t have a horror story,” she says. “It’s weird because you hear other people’s troubles with the injections and the hormones. And for me, it was a pretty simple process.”
During the interview, Moore further explained that undergoing hormone injections wasn’t as bad as she feared they might be and the worst part was just overcoming her fear of needles.
“I tried it the first time, and I’m unusually afraid of needles. I can’t look when my blood is drawn and I hyperventilate when I see a needle. I hate it. But these needles, they’re very small. And it didn’t hurt. And the first time I did it, it was okay. It wasn’t any big deal. I just felt blessed because I was stronger than I thought I would be,” Moore shared.
Moore then explained how she found out that she was pregnant: “I was nervous because I hate to have my blood drawn. And then the technician who was drawing my blood said, ‘Did you cheat?’ And I said, ‘What do you mean?’ And she said, ‘Most people go and they’ll take the test over the counter.’ And I said, ‘No because it’s not as accurate as the blood test and I just don’t want any false alarms or to be let down when I really wasn’t supposed to be and it’s only a few hours away, so why not wait and get the proper results?'”
She continued, “As soon as I take the [blood] test and I’m driving home, I’m like, ‘I should just go and get a test from the supermarket.’ So I rode to the supermarket and literally took the test in the supermarket bathroom because I could not wait. It was just overwhelming. I could not wait. And it was positive. And then I got the call from the doctor later that day confirming that I was indeed pregnant and had a positive test and what my HCG levels were. She said it was all really good news. I was like, ‘Oh my God, I don’t know what to say!'”
Now that Moore and Daly are expecting a child together, the big question on everyone’s mind is if it’s boy or a girl. But according to Moore, she doesn’t care what the sex of the baby is as long as the child is healthy.
“We’re going to try to not find out. We want to be surprised and we want to make it as natural as we can at this point. We just want a healthy baby. And it doesn’t matter to either of us — boy, girl, we don’t really care,” Moore said.
We’re excited for Moore and Daly and we hope that they have a happy and healthy baby.