DJ Traci Steele spins tale about relationship highs and lows in her 1st book

DJ Traci Steele spins tale about relationship highs and lows in her 1st book
Traci Steele (Photo Provided)

Popular DJ and radio personality Traci Steele recently added a new title to her resume: first-time book author.

A native of  Bronx, New York, she got her big break at Hampton University’s WHOV 88.1  in Hampton Roads, Virginia, followed by an on-air gig at Hot 102.1 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

She was one of the stars of season two of VH1’s reality series “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.” Other television credits include performing on “Good Morning America,” “The Mo’Nique Show” and “CNN” and co-hosting TV One’s talk show “Donnie After Dark” with legendary radio personality Donnie Simpson.

She’s also a mother of one young son and an entrepreneur with a fashion and accessories line called Steele Pretty.

Rolling out recently sat down with Steele to discuss her foray into the literary world and the story behind her provocative new book, The 30-Day Man Cleanse.

What inspired you to write your first book? 

Toxic relationships inspired me to write the book, but my best friend gave me the idea to do the cleanse, and God inspired me to write.

Do you have a specific writing style? 

I write from the heart and whatever comes to mind.

What books have most impacted your life (or life as a writer)?

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker.

What books are you currently reading? Why that writer?

The Mind of a Winner by Steve Canal. I want a winner’s mindset.

If you had to do it all again, would you change anything about your latest work?

I would add more juicy details about my relationships.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing or coming up with a concept for your book? 

I am not a writer, I’m a DJ. The entire process was challenging but, because I was cleansing and writing at the same time, it was easy to write the book in 30 days.

What advice would you give other writers? 

Set aside time every day to write and stick with it. That is the only way I could have ever finished my book.

Describe the process of getting published? 

I self-published, so I did my research in finding a company to print after I found an editor.

What were the literary, psychological and logistical challenges in bringing your work to life?

The psychological challenge was having to dredge up some of the mental and physical abuse that I endured during the relationships. I never want to think about those times, and I certainly didn’t want to write about [them].

Everyone’s process for writing is different. Explain yours. Every morning I wrote for an hour. I read scripture that was relatable and focused on relationships and healing.

What are your favorite books?

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Please provide three good-to-know facts about yourself. Be creative. Tell us about your first job or the inspiration behind your writing.

I have OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder] when it comes to cleaning. If my home is not spotless, I feel unorganized.

I’ve been a DJ for over 18 years, and people really don’t know this for some reason.

I’m allergic to everything.

What is the mission you set out to accomplish with your voice in this book? 

My mission is to help women to listen to God and stop ignoring the signs he’s sending you when that is not the right person for you.

Who are the authors you re-read and why?

Robert Greene. His books leave you empowered in so many ways.

A great book has what?

Depth, relatability, intrigue, and emotion.

You develop character and ideas by 

The character is me, and the idea to write the book came from God.

Where would you travel if you could to write your next book?

Anywhere that has a beach.

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