The third annual Sista Strut was held at The Kroc Center in the South Side of Chicago on October 13. The goal of Sista Strut is to bring awareness to women of color who suffer from breast cancer. It also serves as a resource for information.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Black women according to the American Cancer Society African American 2016-2108 Cancer Facts.
WGCI radio personality Kendra G touched on the importance of Sista Strut. She said, “It is something that is dedicated to African American women. It’s finally something that speaks to us. We are the women that have the highest death rate, which we are trying to change.”
The Kroc Center lawn was filled with smiling Black faces and high energy as many women shared their stories of survival and perseverance while striving to overcome this deadly disease.
The 3K walk is a nod to many of the factors that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Avoiding weight gain, engaging in regular physical activity and minimizing alcohol intake are also practices that help to reduce the risk. For more information regarding breast cance,r please visit www.cancer.org.
See pictures from the event below.