These ‘Galentine’s Day’ ideas will leave you feeling loved and refreshed

These 'Galentine’s Day' ideas will leave you feeling loved and refreshed
Photo credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock

It’s Feb. 13, “Galentine’s Day,” a time to relax, reflect and celebrate friendship with your girls.

Instead of focusing on romance, many Black single women are enjoying this time before Valentine’s Day by pampering themselves and appreciating being with each other. Rather than partaking in the usual bar, club or restaurant scene, why not indulge in a relaxing spa party tonight with your friends at home? Here are some ideas that will leave all of you feeling like a new person from head to toe by the end of your “Galentine’s” Day.


When your guests arrive, you can greet them with a warm towel, fresh from your slow cooker. If you don’t have one, you can use a large bowl, preferably glass or ceramic, filled with a little hot water. If you use the bowl option, you will need a hand towel to put over the bowl to keep in the steam. To make the towels extra fresh, you can add mint leaves in between each one.

From there, you and your guests will move onto the stations that you have set up. There are many things you can do at your stations. They can be anything you find relaxing, but the most common ideas are manicures and pedicures, paraffin wax treatments, hair treatments, face masks and hand and shoulder massages.

Manicures and pedicures

These 'Galentine’s Day' ideas will leave you feeling loved and refreshed
Photo credit: Junial Enterprises / Shutterstock

For the manicure and pedicure station, you can put out your nail polish collection. If you feel that yours is a little sparse, you can have everyone bring their favorite nail polish(es). You’ll also want to have nail polish remover, cotton rounds or balls, Q-tips for touch-ups, a hair dryer for drying, towels to go underneath your hands and feet, and toe dividers for your pedicures.

Next to the manicure and pedicure stations, you’ll want to have your paraffin wax station. As everyone’s hands and feet are drying, they can begin their paraffin wax treatments. This wax will give you and your guests smooth, soft hands and feet.


Next, they can move onto the massages so that they can rest for a bit. If having someone do your massages is not an option, you can get a massage chair add-on. They typically have them at stores like Walmart, Target, and Bed Bath & Beyond. For the most comfort, you can slip the add-on over a recliner or plush office chair with a high back.

Face masks

These 'Galentine’s Day' ideas will leave you feeling loved and refreshed
Photo credit: Rudo film / Shutterstock

From the massage station, guests can move on to the face mask station. Here you will have set up different food items, like yogurt, honey and lemon juice, to whip up easy masks. Websites like Pinterest have tons of face mask ideas that you and your guests can use. You can also make these masks the night before and keep them fresh in the refrigerator.


Lastly, you have hair and scalp treatments. You and your girls can take turns helping each other to deep condition, braid, twist and oil each other’s hair. Everyone can bring one or more of their favorite products to add to the pot.

After all your spa treatments, you and your friends can make refreshing smoothies to top off the night.

Happy Galentine’s Day!

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