The two women who were believed by some to be held captive by R. Kelly have finally spoken out. In another explosive interview conducted by Gayle King, Kelly’s live-in girlfriends, Azriel Clary, 21, and Joycelyn Savage, 23, revealed their side of the story.
Clary and Savage both admitted to being in a relationship with the 52-year-old singer, but they denied being held against their will.
“We’re with him, that’s our relationship,” Clary told King. “We live with him, and we’re in a relationship with him, we just said it.”
Savage added, “A very strong relationship as well…We both have our individual relationships with him, and we all are family all together. We have our moments where we sit and watch movies all together, we go to amusement parks all together.”
Family members of Clary and Savage were both featured on the eye-opening documentary Surviving R. Kelly and claimed that the singer would not allow them to have contact with the women. Both women claimed that they were allowed to see their parents while dating Kelly.
“Well, my parents knew where I have always been. For four years, they have known. They know that I’ve been well taken care of,” Clary said. “My parents have actually came to Chicago and seen me a few times. They’ve – I’ve talked to them. They stopped answering my calls.”
But the most shocking claim was that Clary’s parents influenced her to make a sextape with Kelly when she was underage.
“When I was 17, my parents were actually making me, trying to get me to take photos with him, take sexual videos with him,” Clary claimed. “They said because if they ever have to blackmail him, what they’re trying to do now, they can use it against him, which is exactly what they’re doing.”
The interview will air in its entirety on March 8.
Kelly was charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. If convicted, he faces 70 years in prison.