Jordan Peele continues to catch flack for sharing his thoughts on movie casting. Peele, who recently directed the hit horror film Us, told an audience at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in Los Angelos that he’s not interested in casting a White male lead in his films.
“I don’t see myself casting a White dude as the lead in my movie,” Peele told the audience. “Not that I don’t like White dudes. But I’ve seen that movie. It really is one of the best, greatest pieces of this story, is feeling like we are in this time — a renaissance has happened and proved the myths about representation in the industry are false.”
Once Peele’s quote went viral, some White people expressed their anger with the Get Out director over his casting decision.
“Can you explain how this isn’t racist? If roles were reversed we all know it would become an all out s— storm,” Twitter user @derekjolly posted.
Another Twitter user, @Mike26624081, wrote, “Would you find it cool if a White director said ‘I don’t see myself ever casting a black dude as the lead role.’ Or would you scream Racist?”
And @DonMacFar tweeted, “So, Jordan Peele is free to be a racist since he is an artist? How about a chef hiring only from one race for his restaurant. Cool with that? How about a private company only hiring from a certain race. Still cool? Should I go on?…something can be legally fine yet morally vile.”
Some of those who were upset never mentioned the decades of racial discrimination that Blacks faced while working in the film industry. In 2015, social media users pointed out the blatant disregard for Black actors and filmmakers by creating the hashtag, #OscarsSoWhite.
The Academy Awards responded by implementing changes in leadership and ensuring that more diverse people would have an opportunity to vote on who wins an Oscar.
Peele has yet to respond to the recent backlash about his choice to only cast Black people as leads in his movies.
However, some on social media defended Peele.
How about Jordan Peele is about to become the first black director to write and direct two back-to-back original films that gross over $100M each and he can cast whoever the hell he wants in his movies from here on out. That’s how art works. pic.twitter.com/8cl838roF6
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) March 28, 2019
People of Color: Look, we just want more diversity in the entertainment industry. It’s not asking for mu-
Racists: iF yOu WanT tO sEe mInoRitIeS iN mOvieS, tHeN mAKe yOuR oWn.
Jordan Peele: *only wants to cast people of color as leads in his films*
Racists: ThaT’s rAciSt!!!
— Hanna Yoon (@GhostHeart_) March 28, 2019
Don’t call Jordan Peele racist for only wanting to cast black actors and actresses…he’s giving opportunities to to the same actors that get overlooked by white producers simply because they are black.
It’s not racist for wanting to see your people win for once 🙄
— Jojo (@joellexcudi) March 27, 2019