Award-winning communications professional Pam Perry has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, journalism and public relations. A graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit, she had career stops at The Detroit Free Press, The Salvation Army and the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in addition to starting her own agency, Pam Perry PR.
Perry coaches and mentors authors, speakers and entrepreneurs on how to build a platform, attract major media and leverage publishing contracts. She is also the publisher of Speakers magazine and author of Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry.
She recently received the “Words of Wisdom” award from the National Association of Women Business Owners’ Greater Detroit Chapter during its 25th annual Top 10 Michigan Business Women Awards ceremony. The event honors outstanding women business owners, entrepreneurs and community leaders.
Perry spoke to rolling out about her award and her philosophy on winning at business and in life.
Describe your most recent award.
The “Words of Wisdom” award is given to a woman who has been instrumental in educating, mentoring and inspiring professional women toward achieving their dreams of entrepreneurship.
How are you winning in your chosen profession?
I win when my clients win. I have launched, trained and mentored over 500 authors and speakers for over two decades. My desire is to build their personal brands and platforms to get more business, receive more speaking engagements or sell more books. I am winning by helping others win by achieving their dreams.
Describe your winning philosophy.
Winning is not a me-versus-you proposition. Winning is being appreciated for giving every ounce of my energy, creativity and intellect that raises my performance to its maximum capacity for achieving a goal. It’s about being laser-focused and developing a team so we all shine.
How are you mentoring others in your industry so that they can become winners?
I’m not afraid to share ideas, concepts and contacts to help other PR pros. As one who has been in the industry for more than 25 years … I am paying it forward to not only help other PR pros and budding entrepreneurs but [also] to hold them accountable by speaking words of wisdom to them often via social media DMs. I also speak at live events and do webinars with PR and media groups like the National Association of Black Journalists, Black Public Relations Society and The Organization of American Women in Public Relations.
In your work, how do you define a win-win situation?
The optimal win-win situation is when both parties put in equal effort and both net great success. Anything worth having is worth the work, and everybody has to work for the goal.
Finish the sentence: “Winners…”
… are willing and prepared to do what others won’t.
Where can our audience follow you on social media?
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pamperrypr
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pam_perry
Twitter: www.twitter.com/pamperry