Actress Meagan Good (The Intruder, Stomp the Yard, Think Like a Man) said her husband, pastor DeVon Franklin, encourages his wife when she performs sex scenes in her films.
In fact, Good told comedian D.L. Hughley on his self-titled radio show, Franklin encourages her to give her best during sex scenes in order to make the relationship seem authentic onscreen and to have people care about the movie couple.
The topic was broached because of Good’s upcoming thriller, The Intruder, in which she has a sex scene with Michael Ealy. The conversation seamlessly segued into her experiences in church culture and the ways in which religious people, who are supposed to be “the most loving,” are often the most judgemental when they don’t agree with a person’s pronouncements or stances. These “assaults,” as Good termed them, have actually pushed Good away from going to church as much as she’d like.
Meagan Good: The great thing about him [husband Devon Franklin], is like, he wasn’t looking to change me in marriage. He knew who I was before marriage. And so there is growth that happens individually and collectively. So, it wasn’t like “Now, you’re married. You can’t do this anymore. You can’t do that.”
Hughley: Do you go to church with him all the time?
Good: I do. Not all the time though, because if I’m being completely honest, my experience with some church folks has not been that positive. It’s unfortunate because we’re supposed to be the biggest lovers. And it’s like even if you disagree with someone or you don’t think what they’re doing is right, you’re supposed to mind your own business and pray for that person. Other times, you’re supposed to correct in love if that’s what God told you to do. And there was no correction in love. It was like a complete assault.
Hughley said he recalled a public forum in which a woman stood up and confronted Good about her marriage and that it was time for her to cover up.
Good: And there’ve been a few of them. There have been a few of them. I’m waiting on the timeline — “I can’t believe she did this sex scene. She’s a married woman.” At the end of the day, for me, I still love Christians. I will always love the church. I love my Lord and Savior, period point blank. That’s first and foremost over everything. But even though I love some of those people, I have to love them from a distance because my spirit is too sensitive. And even though I’ve gotten to a place of balance, I’m the type of person, if I see someone crying, I’ll start crying. I’m extremely sensitive so I have to protect my spirit because those people don’t always know what they’re doing.
Listen to the interview in full on TV One’s YouTube page below: