Marketing manager Charity Evans discusses her greatest achievement

Why is it important for women of color to work in leadership roles and decision-making capacities?

Being a woman and a minority makes it twice as hard to earn a seat at the table. I believe once we earn that seat, we prove to everyone that we are capable of doing even more.

What are three success habits you implement into your daily routine to maintain your success, sanity and peace of mind?

1. I focus on my spirit, body and mind every morning. The first thing I do when I open my eyes every day is thank God for a new day to fulfill my purpose. I like to find a 15- to 20-minute podcast, video or sermon online. This creates a positive spirit and grateful heart for the remainder of the day.

2. I work out consistently Monday through Friday for at least an hour. Physical activity gives me a boost in energy and allows me to have time to escape from any pressures of the world, and I’m allowed to hit reset every morning in the gym.

3. Post-workout, while I sip my green tea, I mentally run through a priority list of what needs to be accomplished for the day. I’ve found that writing down a to-do list can be overwhelming, but when I am able to prioritize responsibilities mentally, the flow of each task comes naturally.

As a successful woman in business, what is your proudest achievement?

I take pride in all the marketing campaigns that I create. Pushing past the norm and effectively communicating my ideas are achievements that I don’t take for granted.

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