Reality Check special edition: CoolSculpting vs. liposuction

Reality Check special edition: CoolSculpting vs. liposuction
Dr. Myla Bennett and Reality Check host Christal Jordan (Photo credit: Steed Media)

After enjoying the holiday feasts most of us consume between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it will be time to think about shedding those extra pounds for the new year. “Reality Check” host Christal Jordan visited Dr. Myla Bennett to learn more about cool sculpting as an alternative to liposuction and other weight-loss surgeries.

What is the difference between liposuction and cool sculpting?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure. Sometimes people don’t think of it that way because it comes with minimal cuts or scarring, but it’s still a surgical procedure. With cool sculpting, there is no scarring, no downtime whatsoever, so one is a surgical procedure and the other is not.

Is everyone a candidate for cool sculpting? 

No, this procedure is for areas that have a bit of stubborn fat that may be resistant to diet and exercise. If a patient has areas of fat that need more attention then liposuction would probably be the better option for them. Still, it’s worth visiting your plastic surgeon for a consultation to find out what is best suited for your personal goals.

There is a trend of young women investing in BBL’s and Mommy makeovers. What is your opinion on this trend?

There is nothing wrong with enhancing what you have, but in my opinion, the goal shouldn’t be to change your natural foundation. I have refused to do some procedures because I don’t believe in extreme surgery. At Ederra Bella the goal is to preserve and enhance your pretty, not re-create a person. We have a skincare line and I like promoting alternatives like cool sculpting if possible. I am a fan of liposuction, but it’s not always needed.

See the entire reality check interview after the jump:

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