Darla Turner is the manager of corporate communications at Nissan North America. Turner has experience as an internal and corporate communications manager with a demonstrated history of working in the automotive industry. She curates custom programs to highlight Nissan’s reputation as a leader in automotive technology and innovation. During her time at Nissan, she has lead PR efforts for U.S. corporate social responsibility, including the Nissan Foundation, and Nissan Motor Acceptance Corporation. We spoke with Turner to get an inside look at what diversity is like at Nissan.
What is your day to day like at Nissan?
I’m particularly focused on our multicultural communications and diversity and inclusion, which also includes our philanthropy groups like the Nissan Foundation. So I focus mostly on outreach with African Americans, Asian Americans, LGBTQ [community] as well as Hispanic and really trying to generate awareness within those communities about Nissan and not just from a product standpoint. Nissan happens to have one of the most diverse consumer bases of any automaker. I think people know and appreciate our products and the technology and the value, you know, for the price point that they get. We also want them to know more about what we do externally as well as internally from a diversity and inclusion perspective.
What does diversity mean to Nissan?
So diversity at Nissan means everybody feels comfortable, everybody feels included and that they have a voice. [For] example, we’ve made some changes to our dress code. It’s something that … when you think about it … some people were not able to really express themselves the way they felt like they needed to at work.
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