What was the reasoning behind picking the bold, colorful packaging?
I’m an artist that happens to do hair. I would say that street art, street culture, hip-hop are my greatest creative influences. They just come out in my work. The names of the products are really a reflection of what inspires me as an artist. I’m the creative director of the brand; I do all of our graphic design and creative direction package design. I think it’s really important as a founder for your products to really reflect who you are.
What makes The Doux different from other products on the market?
The biggest difference is that you’re able to get that salon look without having to use 10 products. We really created it because most people had to use five products to get one result, and it was taking them three to four hours. I just formulated products that would deliver those results in a lot less time and would give them that salon longevity.