Election 2020: Vote early

Election 2020: Vote early
R U Vote Ready – Clayton County, Georgia (photos courtesy Felicia Davis)

Across the country, the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) has worked to bring a wide spectrum of organizations together thru its Unity 2020 Black Vote & Power Building National Campaign.

From Washington, DC to Mississippi, from Florida to Ohio, there has been a concentrated effort to train the massive number of volunteers needed to reach every community. Leadership at the national, state, and local levels realized the importance of strategizing and marshaling resources to make the greatest impact.

In Georgia, Helen Butler, executive director of the Peoples’ Agenda, a nonpartisan organization founded by the late civil rights leader, Dr. Joseph E. Lowery shared, “Decisions on issues important to the Black community will be made by the people we elect to office. Affordable healthcare is on the ballot, criminal justice reform, police reform, good-paying jobs, and quality education, are all on the ballot. The Peoples’ Agenda is determined to make history in 2020 and turnout Black voters in record numbers. To do that we must register, mobilize, and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot that is counted.” On the eve of this historic election, we recognize those who continue to fight so that Black votes are protected, and our voices are heard. #RUVOTEREADY #BLACKYOUTHVOTE #BWR #STANDUPTOVOTE

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