Sierra Gates wants to convert beauty consumers into money monsters

Sierra Gates wants to convert beauty consumers into money monsters

Do you think it’s important for Black families to be able to build generational wealth?

Yes, for sure. Part of why I work and hustle so hard is for my kids. With my Money Monster Academy, I talk about these things and the importance of setting up different things so your kids are able to fall into a great amount of wealth. Both of my children have businesses. My daughter just had a photo shoot for a launch, so she does understand entrepreneurship. I do make her work for things. I still want my kids to work very hard, even how I worked, just without the struggle. I don’t want them to experience some of the things that I did in order to get where I am today. It’s very important. I believe we should showcase that a little bit more. The people who have these platforms and who are wealthy need to teach the Black community how to pass along generational wealth. It’s cool to show off the fancy clothes and luxury cars, but sharing tips and advice on building wealth is more important. 

Are you doing another season of “Love & Hip Hop”? If so, why?

I am doing another season of “Love & Hip Hop.” I say to people all the time I appreciate the opportunity. I understand people have their notion of it being negative, but I turned it around. “Love & Hip Hop” is one of the main reasons I able to reach and mentor so many Black girls. I can’t say too much about this season, but “Love & Hip Hop” is going to be so different from how they’re doing it now. The audience is going to be so happy. When I met people over the course of these five years through my microblading tour, people always said, “I thought you would be different.” Even though I can’t go around and tell people, “Look at me.  I’m not how it looks on television,” I’m glad I leave a great impression on the girls at my microblading tour and in real life.

Words by Christal Jordan

Images by Rari Filmz

Stylist: Amy J.
Makeup: Timothy Clark
Hair: Jasmine Dior
Venue: Kissworks Studios
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