An African American who was videotaped joining the nearly all-White insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has been arrested by the feds, WUSA9 reports.
Emanuel Jackson, 20, is captured on surveillance cameras at the Capitol building beating cops and officers from the MPD with a metal bat. He turned himself in to the Washington Metropolitan Police Department on Tuesday evening, Jan. 19, 2021, after he learned the FBI had a search warrant for him.
Jackson was summarily turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice, where he is being held on five federal charges, including assaulting a police officer, unlawful entry and disorderly conduct.
The suspect who lives in the Washington suburb of Prince George’s County, Maryland, informed the media on the day of the riots as to why he struck officers and why he was there.
“I had a bat. They were pepper-spraying people. Then, they got me in the eye,” Jackson said, according to CBS Local in Baltimore.
“Fighting for America. We’ve been taken over by globalists, by the Chinese. Fighting for America. I’m not here for Trump. I’m here for America.”
According to WUSA9, Jackson waived his Maranda Rights and immediately admitted that he is the man seen striking officers with a bat and afterward, gained illegal entry into the Capitol building.
Check out the full reporter below: