As a mother of two little girls, I’m continually instilling in them the importance of recognizing the beauty and intelligence they possess. Our history reflects the mistreatment of people of color and how our rich melanin pigmentation is considered unattractive and threatening. Through slavery and civil rights, Black women have been at the forefront in the charge to make others recognize that we matter. From activist and scholar Angela Davis to the history-making ballerina Misty Copeland, doors have been knocked down. Their unyielding and relentless passion for following their dreams is a true testament to the Declaration of Independence’s “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Looking back, African Americans have experienced a tremendous amount of heartache. The rallying call for Black women came at the death of Breonna Taylor. With a political climate that is infested with corruption, more than 429,000 COVID-19-related deaths, and the slow nationwide distribution of the coronavirus vaccine, a celebration of any kind is required.
Today, pop culture reflects the leaps and bounds Black Americans have made. The Black woman has shown up and represented. From star athletes, activists and heavy hitters in the film industry, our impact on American culture can’t be denied or ignored.
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