Ronnie Mitchell has taken his passion for skin care and transformed it into R Skin Matters. Many years ago, Mitchell had a traumatic experience with a hair removal procedure that burned his face. During his extended recovery process, he developed a wealth of knowledge about the care and healing of his own skin, which led to the launch of his business. Rolling out spoke with Mitchell about the importance of skin care, some common misconceptions and the partnership he has developed with Hero’s INC.
Why should a good skin regimen be something people care about?
The skin is the largest organ on the body. The average adult has about 22 feet of skin. Our skin literally separates us from the rest of the world. It protects us while giving us our individuality, like our personalities.
What would you say are three of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to skin care in relation to Black people?
The first misconception is that Black people don’t need to wear sunscreen. Most Black people don’t realize that sunscreen can keep “dark marks,” aka hyperpigmentation, from getting darker. The second is the notion that Black don’t crack. I say Black does crack, especially if you don’t moisturize it. The last one is that Black people cannot get treatments such as laser hair removal. For most people of color, the lasers that are out today are safe, excellent options for laser hair removal.
Talk about the partnership you have with Hero’s INC.
This partnership allows my brand to send a few thousand kits to the remaining soldiers in Afghanistan. This is just the start of this campaign to help decrease the number of soldiers that return home with skin ailments. These heroes have to deal with harsh sandstorms, water, intense heat and direct sun exposure. Those elements can be very damaging to the skin.