Nephew Tommy is back with ‘Ready to Love’ season 4

There has been criticism that the show focuses on perfect-looking people with perfect bodies and doesn’t offer enough diversity. Do you feel those comments are warranted?

Each season we get better and better. I believe we have a diverse group, but there is always room to get better. I think we should add different body types for both men and women. Not all men are laying around with six-packs and muscles. We want real people that truly want to find love.

You give great advice to the singles on the show that resonates beyond the group to the audience watching. What advice can you offer to singles who aren’t on the show but are hoping to find a love of their own?

You have to be truly single to be open to love. A lot of the time people aren’t in a relationship but they haven’t let go of old baggage from the past. So they start dating and it’s them and the new person and that baggage. You need to let that go, get it out. Talk about it if you need to. On the show sometimes you’ll hear that old baggage come up and once they talk it out, they are able to get over it.

“Ready for Love” returned Friday, April 2 at 10 p.m. EST on OWN.

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