What are some innovative ways you’ve curated some of these movies?
If I could describe The Luminal in three words, it would be Black nomadic cinema. We go to different places to put on different types of show cases. We show films in non-traditional ways in nontraditional spaces so we don’t have to rely on theaters. We host pop-up screenings at galleries and artist spaces, street corners, drive-throughs, on farms, and virtual[ly].
What made you decide to go nontraditional routes in helping expose these films?
We don’t have to rely on theaters because, unfortunately, sometimes with our community, getting access to these things can be difficult. It’s not always [a] financial [issue] but many times psychological. It’s not strange to you or any of us that there’s just some spaces we aren’t always allowed or we don’t feel like we’re allowed into. Or we’re uncomfortable with going to some of these places based on history, based on bloodshed. So we’re the curators and let people know these films are for you and you can find them and you can watch them and feel safe watching them with us and through us.