Vanessa Wright is on a mission to motivate and inspire by telling the stories of many leaders, trailblazers, and visionaries that have gone overlooked or forgotten within the Black diaspora. Tellers Untold is an online platform that aims to bridge this gap. Wright recently spoke with rolling out to discuss the online platform and talk about her film, Sankofa Chicago, which recently won the “Best Educational Film” in June 2021 at the Cannes Film Festival.
What is Tellers Untold and why did you develop it?
Tellers Untold is a media platform for Black history education. The reason for developing it was I wanted to go back to school to get my Ph.D., but I have two kids and a husband that was also in school getting his master’s. And so, it just wasn’t feasible for me to go back to school. … So instead, I said, why don’t I do my own research, kind of like my own Ph.D. but create a platform for everybody else? I was also doing it because of my kids. I have two Black boys, and it’s important for them to know our history.
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