In honor of Women’s History Month, rolling out interviewed Dr. Eve Hudson, founder and chief strategist of Evingerlean Worldwide® — an entity created to empower first-generation scholars and graduates across the globe.
Tell us a little bit about how you fulfill your mission.
We do this through our empowering signature programs, award-winning podcast, first-of-its-kind store and unparalleled development initiatives. I was raised by a single mother in a low-socioeconomic household, ended up being the first in my family to go to college and at age 28 had a Ph.D. in hand. So, I wanted to reach back and pull others like myself along the way.
What are some of the main issues facing women of color and Black women, particularly?
It’s merely navigating the ever-so-complex intersections of our identity. Far too often, being disrespected, misunderstood and unappreciated. We’re both the most educated and fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs, yet continue to be faced with countless challenges — facing negativity in the workplace, getting access to resources for businesses, or fighting expectations for how we do (or don’t for that matter) show up in family structures. It’s like society has screamed at us, “Do better, Black women, but just don’t be better than me or too great. You can have standards, but just don’t make them too high.”
What does women empowerment mean to you?
I have the right to take up space. Do me. Be brave and unapologetic. While I’m at it, knowing I’ve got a whole squad of women who’ve got my back daring someone to try me. It’s continuing to show up no matter how many doors have been shut in my face, windows of opportunity closed or naysayers waiting for my downfall. Cause, regardless of what happens, what lies ahead of me is greater than what’s behind me.
How does it feel being a Black woman at this moment in time?
Honestly, I’d once found myself being passive about celebrating my Blackness and womanhood. Not these days. Black women are on the leading edge of shaping all that exists. It always has been. It always will be. So, it feels damn good to be one — sharing something in common with some of the greatest people to have ever walked (are walking and will walk) the face of this earth. To know our history, see history being made, and even making it myself. Ain’t nothing like it.
When do you feel accomplished? What does that look like to you?
It’s when something that was once just a thought in my head actually materializes — realizing how powerful it is to be a creator. It’s when what’s created changes lives. Airing a session on my podcast and hearing someone needed. Crafting and delivering a talk and having people reach out over years saying how it helped them. All the moments where I see nothing I’ve been through has been in vain, and I’m making what part of the world I can touch better because of it.