Kitchen magician Danielle Henry restores health and balance through raw foods

Mother Nature has everything we need
Kitchen magician Danielle Henry restores health and balance through raw foods
Photo courtesy of Danielle Henry

Danielle Henry is a celebrity chef, alchemist, artist, and multidimensional healer who uses food to heal. Henry wants to awaken the collective and remind people of their innate power as well as inspire consumers to make better choices daily — in and out the kitchen — to support healing, and not our destruction.

Tell us about your journey with food as medicine.

Food has always been my way of creative expression. I learned very early on that it is the one guaranteed channel of connection with every human being on this planet because we all speak the language of food.

My journey began as a youth — eating my emotions [and] insecurities, using food as a crutch, abusing these processed substances labeled as “food” that were only creating a traumatic environment in my mind, body and soul.

Then, I learned the power of plants, herbs, fruits, vegetables. I learned that Mother Nature has everything we need, not only to survive, but to thrive. … And I am here to teach, to share the wisdom bestowed unto me.

On this journey, I have cooked for thousands of people globally — celebrities, NFL players, artists, musicians, children, and families. I also share my gifts through my platform, Let’s Talk Food, sharing healthy plant-based recipes, and food for thought. I alchemize elevated spice and seasoning blends that have become household kitchen essentials for people nationwide. [I do] all to assist and elevate [you] on your wellness journey.

How important is it for women to have a voice in your particular field?

It is important for women to have a voice in every field, especially in the field and realm of health, wellness  and food. Women are meant to be the primary healers of every household. Women are the first to feed every human being on this planet. It is the women who are truly here to nourish us. Food is meant to be our nourishment.

Is there anything else you want our audience to know about food and healing?

Finding a healthy balance of your mind, body, and soul begins with self-love. Loving yourself enough to say “no” to what does not serve your highest good, and also loving yourself enough to say “yes” to what does. Many of our unhealthy habits — food addictions, diet, thought patterns, lifestyles, mindsets — were passed down to us for generations. They are embedded in our DNA. With that being said, what we are healing is not just our lifetime’s worth of trauma, but generations of trauma. This is healing on a cellular level. Give yourself grace on this journey as you unlearn and relearn.

Know: You are not alone. I’ve got the tools to support you as you grow in wellness!

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