Due to streaming platforms such as Netflix, binge-watch culture has become the norm but that may be about to change. Netflix is now considering changing its business model from a binge-release format to a weekly-release system. It is unsure if this will help to increase subscribers.
Founded in 1997, Netflix has changed its business strategy several times. The company started with a DVD rental business model where DVDs were delivered through the mail but then shifted to a streaming platform that allowed people to choose the movie of their choice. Although some subscribers were not necessarily thrilled to pick a movie from the collection which gave Netflix an idea.
Netflix pivoted its business model by creating its own exclusive movies and TV shows which was the game changer for its brand.
According to Earth Web, they have over 221.6 million subscribers, although many have threatened to cancel their subscriptions due to higher prices each month. Their prior update was one account per household which also upset a lot of subscribers. This was a plan to limit account sharing, and help to increase the number of subscribers.
Subscribers have not yet complained about the potential change in the way TV shows are released on Netflix’s platform. This could be because movies are still available to stream and once every episode has been shown, subscribers can later binge-watch at their leisure.
At most, now people will have to wait each week for the next episode like regular TV. This is a bold move as it goes against the binge-watch culture Netflix is known for.