Dr. Fauci says an updated COVID-19 vaccination is needed before Thanksgiving

The chief medical adviser to President Biden warns Americans the pandemic is not over

Dr. Anthony Fauci wants to keep you and your loved ones safe this holiday season. The White House chief medical adviser to recently spoke to rolling out about the Biden administration’s new #VaxUpAmerica “Countdown to Thanksgiving” initiative, encouraging everyone to get an updated COVID-19 vaccination ahead of the holidays.

What are the details of this new vaccine initiative leading into Thanksgiving and the holidays?

Well, there’s a vaccine now that’s an updated vaccine. It’s directed against the primary circulating variant, the BA.4, BA.5, but we’re getting new variants that are emerging. You probably heard about them, BQ 1.1 This vaccine, when you look at the data that has now come out from the companies and others who’ve tested it, induces the kind of response that strongly suggests they will be protective against the variants that are circulating.

I think the confusion is people think, “Well, I got infected six months ago. I’m good to go,” or “I got my vaccine boost five months ago. I’m good to go.” No, this is something people 5 years of age or older should get. If you’ve been infected three or more months ago, go get this newly updated vaccine. Even if you had a booster two or three months ago, still get the updated vaccine because it really is going to be very important in protecting us against the circulating variants.

Is there a particular vaccine you all are promoting more this time around? Pfizer or Moderna?

We’re promoting both.

Do you want to do Pfizer? Do Pfizer. Do you want to do Moderna? Do Moderna. It doesn’t matter what you got originally, get the one that’s easiest to get. The most convenient one for you and your family.

What are the COVID guidelines you suggest for families this Thanksgiving and holiday season?

First and foremost, it’s vaccines. We already spoke about that.

Secondly, if you’re going to go ion a congregate setting yourself, and you don’t know what the status is of people, you should not be afraid or ashamed to wear a mask. We’re not mandating you to do it, but if you go to a crowded place, an airport, a plane, or a big gathering, and you’re going to go home to your mother, or your grandmother, or somebody who’s either elderly or has an underlying condition, it makes sense to protect yourself so you protect your family.

That’s number two, number three you can get a test. If you’re going to get ready for a family gathering, it’s very easy to get a [COVID] test. In 15 or 10 minutes, you’ll know if you’re positive. If you’re negative, you could feel much more comfortable mixing with the family in an indoor setting without a mask. If you’re positive, then stay home. Don’t spread it among your family and friends. Those are the three things you can do, starting off with the vaccine. That’s critical.

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