How entertainment attorney Keisha Perry Walker manages work and motherhood

Lawyer offers tips to other moms with busy careers
How entertainment attorney Keisha Perry Walker manages work and motherhood
Photo courtesy of Ron Hill

If you haven’t heard of Keisha Perry Walker, then get to know her. Located in Atlanta, she is one of the top entertainment lawyers in the United States. Not only is Walker a phenomenal lawyer but she is also a wife and mother of two, a boy and a girl, and in the best shape of her life. Many wonder how Walker can maintain it all. She never misses a beat whether it’s conferencing with a client, drafting documents, acting as legal expert on top news programs, showing up to support her son’s soccer team, just being a supportive wife, or posing on the cover of a magazine. We asked Walker for tips for other working mothers.

Planning: “I have to plan and keep a schedule, especially with all of my children’s extracurricular activities. I have a spouse that travels a lot for work, therefore I must create a weekly schedule that includes [the] kids’ activities, meetings and workload, travel, workout schedule, grocery shopping, household chores, and extracurricular activities.”

Utilizing resources to assist and recharge: “This is an area that I am great at in every capacity except my kids. I truly struggle with mom guilt, which occurs when I am not present with them, but I utilize my aunt as a resource to be present when we cannot be. I also believe in spa days to rejuvenate and recharge, which allow me to refill and continue to do all that I do for my family.”

Being selective: “As an entertainment attorney having my own firm, I am selective of who I accept as a client. Some clients and their needs are not aligned with my priority and lifestyle. The clients and projects that I take on take into account the goals I have set personally and for my family. My philosophy is to build work around the foundation of family and friends.”

Accountability: “I have true accountability partners. I have a group of attorneys and entertainment professionals that help keep me on point professionally, a best friend that is a true mirror for me personally, and a couples friend group that hold me accountable in the different facets of my life.”

Staying connected: “Although our schedules are busy, my husband and I communicate throughout the day whether it’s a memory, picture, travel desire or to check in.”

Me-time: “As busy as my life is, I have to take time go to dinner with the girls or do crossword puzzles. As mentioned above, I make time for self-care so that I have the energy to maintain my career and family.”

For more about Keisha Perry Walker, visit

–nickie robinson

Nickie Robinson received her bachelor’s in economics from New York University and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Denver. She worked in finance for four years before embarking on a 15-year career in public relations and journalism, where she covers business, lifestyle, beauty, fitness and music.

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