U.S. Bank hosted a small business tour during Black Business Month on Aug. 30, 2023. They visited seven Black-owned businesses. Skyway Bowl was the final visit on the tour. Skyway Bowl is a family-owned business that has been in operation for over 15 years. Brunetta Hill-Corley is running it on behalf of her 92-year-old mother. Hill-Corley is passionate about her family’s business and understands that passing on this legacy is important to her and the community. Rolling out spoke with Hill-Corley about her family business, her challenges, and how U.S. Bank has supported her over the years.

What have been your biggest challenges?
We all know COVID has been everybody’s challenge. That has really hit me in the heart. I’ve lost a third of my business because of COVID and we were shut down for two years. Trying to sustain is the difficult part right now. It’s difficult to get a loan. Banks are not loaning money the way they used to in the past. I need grant funds to upgrade [and] update the business so that I can continue to be competitive in the industry that we’re in.

What have been some of your biggest wins?
The biggest wins are the relationships that we have built over the years while having the passion to run a business.
How has U.S. Bank supported you during this whole process?
U. S. Bank has all of my bank accounts. I have gotten an equipment loan for them to reinstall my HVAC system on the north end of the building. They’ve been very supportive. I work very closely with Jona, who is the branch manager in the Homewood office. No matter what I ask, they roll [out] the red carpet. I don’t have to go through a lot of red tape that I may have to go through with another bank. We work within the parameters and the procedures. It makes it a lot easier when you don’t have to go in there pulling strings. They do not make it difficult to do business. It’s very streamlined.
What’s next for you?
I carry this like a baby every day. I want to see this facility be the best form of experience when it comes to entertainment for the community and the surrounding communities. I’m setting it up so that when I pass it on to my daughter and my son, it’ll be a lot easier.