Following divorce rumors that were quickly shot down by Steve Harvey, there have been other claims that the TV star and comedian may be scared of his wife, Marjorie. Hot New Hip Hop claims there is a leaked phone call that may dive deeper into the marriage of the two “love birds.”
Married since 2009, there have rarely been any details on their union shared with the public. The leaked phone call was allegedly between Harvey’s radio co-host Shirley Strawberry and her husband Ernest Williams, according to Hot New Hip Hop.
“If she was there we probably wouldn’t have been all over the house. You know he’s scared. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be in there but he brought us in,” Strawberry said. This was allegedly after a social event Marjorie Harvey and Shirley Strawberry attended.
Shirley also shared the details of Marjorie’s life in the Harvey home.
“Marjorie has her own spa, her own workout room. She could go in there and get massages every day. People come to her house, work her out, and all of that,” Strawberry said.
Details were also given on the marital environment based on alleged observations.
“He was happy to see us. He always invites us over there and we don’t never go, because I don’t know, if she’s there, you know. She’s um … nope … she looks at us as ‘the help’ you know … it is what it is,” Strawberry allegedly said.
According to Hot New Hip Hop, there was also a claim that Strawberry mentioned Steve allowed Marjorie’s behavior because he is scared of her.
The married couple and radio host have yet to speak out.