Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown, the man Chicago authorities are looking for after discovering the body of his mother, posted a strange video on Instagram where he looked disheveled and spewed wild conspiracy theories.
Members of the Brown family contacted authorities on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023, after they had been unable to get in contact with Sergio and his mother, Myrtle Brown, since Thursday. When officers arrived at Myrtle Brown’shome, they and a search team discovered the mother’s body in a creek in the backyard of her home in Maywood, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Her death was ruled a homicide when it became obvious that she was the victim of an assault.
Meanwhile, her son, Sergio Brown, is nowhere to be found. Maywood authorities have not named the son as a suspect officially but they have yet to locate him.
CBS Chicago reports that the ex-New England football player posted a video on his Instagram page, @intplayerwithapassport, which is different from the verified account that he’d been previously using, @sergiobrown38, which boasts 21K followers.
During the incoherent rambling, Brown calls the news of her mother’s death “fake” news and states that he thought his mother had been on vacation. He also said he’d been kidnapped twice by cops and lays the blame for his mother’s demise at the hands of the Maywood Police Department and the FBI.
In the days leading up to his mother’s death, neighbors told media outlets WBBM and WGN that they noticed a radical change in Sergio Brown’s behavior.
Carlos Cortez told WBBM that Mr. Brown’s family said “he wasn’t himself the last few months”
“He was out of his mind,” he said.
The man also gave authorities clips from their doorbell cam which reportedly showed Sergio Brown burning his mother’s clothes.
“They seen him taking out the trash, and they seen him have a bonfire where he burned all her clothes,” Cortez said.
Another neighbor who lived across the street from the Browns is devastated.
“You just feel for the family, what they’re going through,” Angel Rivera told WGN.