The men who jumped Cam Newton blame the ex-NFL star for starting the fight

The men who swung on Newton said his customary trash talking and triggering statements went too far on Sunday
Cam Newton
Former Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton warms up in a game against the Atlanta Falcons. (Photo by Rashad Milligan for rolling out)

Former NFL superstar Cam Newton got jumped by a group of men in the embarrassing brawl that took place at a kid’s 7v7 football tournament at an Atlanta high school. The attackers told the media Newton was the instigator and aggressor.

TJ and Steph Brown were two of the men seen on video swinging at — and then being flung around like a doll by — Newton. It didn’t work out for what appeared to be four or five men ganging up to try to take Netwon to the ground, and the men failed even to knock Newton’s hat off his head.

“It just should never have gotten to that,” TJ told Fox News Digital, adding that the towering Newton with the booming baritone and outsized personality had been popping [off] to the opposing coaches throughout the weekend. Newton also demanded they put a wager on the game, which Newton’s Instagram postings can confirm in the days leading up to the contest. 

Newton has yet to respond publicly about the brawl as of Monday afternoon, Feb. 26, 2024.

TJ and Steph Brown admit they swung at Cam Newton

On Sunday, the brothers said Newton cranked up the trash talk again and reiterated his intentions of placing a bet on their matchup. Newton has a team called C1N that matched up against the Brown brothers’ Top Shelf Performance (TSP) squad in the inaugural “We Ball Sports” 7-on-7 tourney between teens.

“Cam jumps out of his car and yells, ‘Hey, all that sorry s— ain’t gonna work today. What we betting today? What we betting?'” TJ Brown recalls. “I’m like, ‘I ain’t betting you, bro. I already beat you three, four times. You got to beat me first.’ He like, ‘What we betting? I got plenty of money. I ain’t ever running out of money.’ That’s when I told him, ‘That’s your problem. All you care about is money. You think money is everything. You can’t buy me.’ And I walk off.”

He goes on to tell the publication that just minutes into the game, Newton ratcheted up the intensity of the taunting, much to the chagrin of the Brown brothers and their players.

“‘Hey, I know that play,” Newton allegedly barked at the TJ and Steph Brown.  “That’s my stuff. I taught y’all everything y’all know. I’m y’all daddy. I made y’all. I’m the reason for everything y’all got going on.'”

After the game, both of the brothers said they climbed the stairs at the high school to confront Newton about the words he was spewing and voice their displeasure. TJ Brown claims that’s when Newton, who stands about 6-foot-6, grabbed the 5-foot-9 Steph Brown, which incited both brothers to throw punches and initiated the melee that went viral within hours of being posted.

“He’s just got to understand we’re people,” TJ Brown said. “Nobody’s just going to let you go around disrespecting and talking crazy to them. I know how to brush it off, but not everybody’s like that.”

Cam Newton’s attackers offer mea culpa for the brawl

Despite the punches thrown, TJ and Steph Brown want to reconcile with Newton. In fact, the three men go back several years as Newton recruited Steph Brown to coach with him on Newton’s C1N team. Eventually, TJ and Steph Brown broke off to start their own squad, TSP.

TJ and Steph Brown are remorseful about fighting Newton on Sunday, with TJ Brown telling the publication, “To the C1N players, I apologize. This is your big brother telling y’all that.” 

Steph Brown added, “I’m disappointed in myself. I let Cam trigger me to that point where I entertained what he was doing, but it was never out of ill will or to put him in harm’s way. I’m 5’9″, man, but I stand on what I stand on.”

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