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Why consider hiring a private investigator before your divorce

A private investigator can provide support and uncover information
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Divorce is a life-altering event, often riddled with emotional turmoil and significant decisions. One such decision involves considering whether to hire a private investigator. While not always necessary, a private investigator can be valuable during divorce proceedings, providing support and uncovering information that can impact the outcome.

Locating a Missing Spouse: Serving Papers and Moving Forward

Sometimes, a spouse may leave the marital home or become difficult to contact. This can significantly delay the divorce process, especially if serving them with legal documents becomes challenging. A private investigator can efficiently locate your spouse, ensuring they are adequately served with divorce papers. This is particularly crucial if you suspect they might deliberately avoid service, potentially delaying or complicating the proceedings.

Unveiling Hidden Assets: Ensuring a Fair Division

All marital assets and debts must be fairly divided during a divorce. However, a spouse may attempt to hide assets, such as bank accounts, investments, or even property ownership, to minimize their financial obligations. A private investigator can be a powerful tool for uncovering such hidden assets. They can investigate financial records, track property ownership, and identify hidden accounts or investments. This information can be crucial in ensuring a more equitable division of assets during the settlement.

Investigating Infidelity: Impact on Fault and Emotions

If you suspect infidelity, a private investigator can gather evidence to support your claims. This evidence can be significant in determining fault-based grounds for divorce, impacting issues like spousal support and child custody arrangements in some states.

Even in no-fault divorce states, infidelity can still be a factor considered by the court, particularly when it comes to the emotional well-being of both spouses and the overall breakdown of the marriage. Evidence of infidelity can influence decisions regarding emotional distress and the overall division of assets.

Substance Abuse Concerns and Child Custody

If you suspect your spouse struggles with substance abuse, a private investigator can document their habits. This documented evidence can protect your children’s safety and well-being. During child custody arrangements, the court prioritizes the children’s best interests. Evidence of substance abuse can significantly influence the court’s decision regarding custody and visitation rights.

Building a Strong Case for Child Custody: Beyond Emotions

Emotions often run high during child custody battles. A private investigator can be instrumental in gathering objective information about your spouse’s parenting habits, work schedule, and overall ability to care for your children. This information can be crucial in building a solid case for custody arrangements that prioritize your children’s best interests and stability.

Peace of Mind Through Knowledge: Making Informed Decisions

The emotional upheaval surrounding divorce can cloud judgment. Hiring a private investigator can provide peace of mind by uncovering any hidden issues that might impact your case. Access to this knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions regarding your divorce settlement and work towards a fairer outcome for yourself and your children.

Weighing Costs and Alternatives: Finding the Right Fit

Hiring a private investigator can be expensive. It’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the cost and determine if it aligns with your budget. Discuss your concerns with your divorce lawyer to explore alternative strategies for gathering information. If a full investigation seems excessive, consider a limited-scope investigation focusing on specific concerns, such as locating a missing spouse or uncovering hidden assets.

Transparency with Your Lawyer is Key

If you hire a private investigator, you must be completely transparent with your lawyer throughout the process. The information gathered by the investigator may or may not be admissible in court, depending on the methods used to obtain it. Your lawyer can advise you on how to best utilize the information within your case’s legal boundaries and ensure its admissibility.

The Choice is Yours: Considering Your Needs

The decision to hire a private investigator is a personal one. There’s no single correct answer. By understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and circumstances. Remember, your lawyer is a vital resource in navigating the complexities of divorce. Discuss your concerns and explore all available options before making a decision. A private investigator can be a valuable asset, but their role should be carefully considered and determined in collaboration with your legal counsel.

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