Rolling Out

Plates and wigs fly in Waffle House brawl involving influencer Ekane (video)

Latest viral brawl takes place at Southern staple
Waffle House brawl
Waffle House brawl (Screenshot via: X - @itskillakenz)

There is now a new viral brawl coming from a Waffle House establishment, this one involving a controversial influencer.

One video starts with a Waffle House employee getting hit by one of the customers. Then, the employee throws a cup and a plate at the customer, who is now squaring up to fight. At this point, there already appears to be shattered plate debris on the restaurant floor.

Another one of the employees took off her wig and Waffle House hat before punching the customer. The customers and employees fighting were all women, with some men holding the fighters back and other men recording the brawl. The camera then pans back to show Ekane, a popular influencer, attempting to break up one of the employee-customer fights. An older employee then yelled and demanded everyone to stop from behind the counter. At this point, items continue to fly in each direction.

“Bruh,” @bigcapo904 on X, said in the video. “I paid for my food! I’m hungry as f—!”

The camera goes back to Ekane, who is now recording the incident on her phone and is laughing in disbelief at what had just happened. The employees kicked out the customers fighting, locked the door and another employee called 911.

Ekane is known for her outgoing personality and for documenting the everyday drama of her on-again, off-again relationship with Chris, the father of her children. She posted so much of the chaos in her relationship, she once lost custody of her two kids. The influencer also once performed a diss song directed at Karrhahbooo when the two sides went back and forth on social media over Ekane criticizing Karrahbooo’s “RIP Follies” song.

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