Fitness gurus Jason and Halani Lobdell sound off on mixing love and business

The owners of The Loft Atlanta are building a business empire

Powerhouse couple Jason and Halani Lobdell are the personification of health and strength in life, love and relationships. Their social media monikers, Mr. and Mrs. 2 Weeks Out, speaks volumes about their approach to body conditioning at their gym, The Loft Atlanta, one of the country’s crown jewels of gyms, and their online fitness program, FitFormula2.

The Lobdells apply a similar energy to keep things spicy in their 22-year marriage, while they build and maintain a thriving business empire. They are famous for making working out culturally relevant and have developed a loyal following of fitness devotees who dedicate themselves to dynamic living.

When the opportunity to purchase a gym presented itself, Jason didn’t hesitate. The consummate entrepreneur used his skills and connections as a party promoter to make their gym, The Loft Atlanta, a sought-after health haven for celebrities, A-listers and Tinseltown’s finest.

Fitness gurus Jason and Halani Lobdell sound off on mixing love and business

Halani Lobdell, a retired fire department battalion chief, is no stranger to the rigors of physical training and serious exercising. “I was expected to perform the same tasks as my cohorts. So, I made fitness a part of my lifestyle,” says the 5-foot-2 beauty.

Halani was also a competitive bodybuilder, so for her fitness is a lifestyle. “Jason and I were athletes in high school. I was always conscientious of health and fitness before it was a thing,” she adds.

Let’s get right into it. How does being physically fit spice up a marriage?

Halani:  The better I feel about myself, the bigger I show up for my husband, Jason. I hone in on this when [I’m] asked to speak to women. Your self-esteem, specifically how you see yourself,  will dictate how you show up in intimacy with your partner.

Jason: One word — stamina. I like how my body looks, and I want Halani to like it, too. I want her to be turned on by my appearance. Since she is into fitness, that means I must stay in shape as well.

You’ve been married for more than two decades. What advice would you give couples as it relates to pursuing their fitness journeys?

Halani: We both love fitness. This lifestyle has given us opportunities to work together and work out together. We have a shared appreciation for fitness, and it provides us with another touch point. Our connection is fitness. Another couple’s thing may be golf. My advice is [to] find a joint passion and build from there.

Jason: Halani and I do things together like watch Netflix and binge-watch television shows. We have fun together. Fitness is our first joint hobby. We trained together and held each other accountable. We incorporated fitness into our daily routine, and it was a break from discussions about bills and kids. My advice is to go to the gym together. Once you get there, the rest will fall into place. But, you’ve got to take the initiative and the first step.

Fitness gurus Jason and Halani Lobdell sound off on mixing love and business

How do you manage to work together so cohesively?

Halani: I will not lie, it is not always easy working with your spouse. Jason is a creative. I am all about the details. Our talents are different, but our strengths are similar. We stay winning when we give the other person grace to operate in their gift. We are not afraid of having uncomfortable conversations with each other. We shoot straight. That keeps us honest and accountable.

Jason: Early in our marriage, we learned how to disagree in a fair manner and safe space. We took that same mindset into the business world, which allowed us to be great business partners. Neither of us focuses on being right or winning the argument. We focus on enlisting the best ideas and allowing those decisions to drive our success.

What are the two most overlooked tips for building an empire with your spouse?

Halani:  To build an empire with your spouse, you must have unity. Jason and I have an amazing relationship. He is my best friend. We have known each other since middle school. We’ve been through the highs and lows. The first key is to weather the storm together. Jason is my biggest cheerleader, and I am his. There is never a business venture where I do not stand next to him 10 toes down. No one will ever go harder for him than me. He knows that. So, the second tip is to be unwavering when supporting your spouse. This, however, is not a blind faith. You must speak up when a business endeavor is not optimal for your household.

Jason: Tip one is to set aside time every day to work on your craft. If you work an eight-hour day, set aside two hours for your craft. Tip two is to learn together. Halani and I invested in being financially literate. We have paid for courses from experts so we can learn from their mistakes.

Fitness gurus Jason and Halani Lobdell sound off on mixing love and business

Your gym is a full vibe. How do you make working out fun?

Halani: We make working out fun by building community. People feel comfortable when they come to our facility because they know it is a judgment-free zone. No matter how you look, your sexual orientation, or your level of experience; we will help you and support you. I had a friend who traveled over one hour each way to train at our gym because she said it felt like “Cheers,” where everybody knows your name. Our gym is a true vibe in every sense of the word.

Jason: I am naturally a fun person. In high school, I was voted most popular. I have always been charitable. I am the guy who kisses babies, talks to everybody, and puts smiles on people’s faces.  My innate traits are transferable as basic business principles that can be applied to any organization. For example, when you go to Walmart or Delta Air Lines, someone is there to greet you and turn your energy the right way. That is exactly what I expect in my establishment. It is good energy, and we are personable.

You all make fitness look super sexy. You photograph beautifully and you look consistently fit. What do you say to someone who is discouraged by the fitness journey and sees it as being too arduous?

Halani: If you are off, get on. If you fell off, jump back in there. It is never easy. So, give yourself the grace to simply start. Fitness has many looks, faces, and shapes. Do not compare yourself to anyone. Create your routine. Set your goals. Stay consistent. But, when you fall [off], do not stay off.

Jason: We all [have] to start somewhere. Halani’s journey into fitness was rebooted when she gained 50 pounds after her pregnancy with our son. She just could not get the weight off. So, we both hired personal trainers. My advice is to hire help. I had a trainer for six years, so I did not have to worry about looking crazy on the machines or hurting myself. If you do not want a trainer, purchase a program like FitFormula21. Just get started because your transformation requires your participation.

Connect with the Lobdells on social media: @mr2weeksout, @mrs2weeksout; @theloftatlanta; @fitformula21.

Images by Halani Lobdell

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