LaShawn Jimenez empowering change through faith and community leadership

A message of gratitude empowerment and the importance of giving back

LaShawn delivered an inspiring speech that resonated with the audience as she expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to uplift her community. She emphasized the importance of giving back, encouraging women who share her background to follow suit, as someone once did for them. LaShawn described her faith as her superpower, attributing her strength and purpose to God’s guidance. She acknowledged the support of her village, recognizing that her achievements are made possible by those around her. With a focus on the value of relationships, she highlighted the significance of community connections in building wealth and making a positive impact.

This is her speech:

Hello. Everybody looks so beautiful out there. First, I just want to say thank God for giving me this platform, giving me the opportunity to just give back in the community, making sure that I continue to uplift people that look like me. I feel that God has given me my purpose and I’m walking in it. And I tell every woman in here that look like me, make sure that you give back because somebody gave back to you.

My superpower is faith because without God, I can’t do anything. Thank my village. I couldn’t do anything without you. Thank you for showing up. I know time, you can’t give back. Thank you to Munson. I love our relationship because relationships is wealth.


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