Top 4 worst Thanksgiving dishes

These dishes hate to see me coming
Photo credit: / SeventyFour

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A day we get to gather around with the family and eat until our stomachs can’t hold anymore. But there are always those dishes that sit on the table and remain there. Nobody touches them and the family that chooses to do so usually regrets it after a couple bites.  These are my top four most hated Thanksgiving dishes.

4. Thanksgiving casserole

Casserole is known as the ultimate comfort food to many. Casserole has been a staple in America since the 1950s, when easy-to-cook meals started to skyrocket in popularity. “Casserole” refers to both a type of food and the dish that it is baked in. I just want to know the person in the 50s who came up with this? I honestly don’t think casserole hits in any form. Whether it’s sweet potato or even green bean, why was this invented? Green beans aren’t even a tasty vegetable and sweet potatoes stuffed and mixed with a bunch of other stuff isn’t it to me either.

3. Mac and cheese

Since moving to America, one saying I always hear is “You can’t eat just anyone’s mac and cheese.” Honestly, I don’t think anyone should eat mac and cheese period. I’ve seen so many bad iterations, I constantly wonder how it been became a Thanksgiving staple. Sometimes it’s too wet and soggy, sometimes it’s straight up burnt, yet mac and cheese always find a way to the table and most Thanksgivings multiple pans find their way to the dinner table. This is the worst version of pasta or spaghetti, and I hope everybody recognizes that soon.

2. Stuffing/dressing

Nothing confused me more than the hype around dressing or stuffing. To this day, I still don’t know exactly why it became a thing but it’s arguably one of the biggest dishes on Thanksgiving. Stuffing is all the mumbo-jumbo that you, of course, stuff in a turkey. It just confused me to see other people eating and mixing it with their other foods. Dressing is cooked outside the turkey and could be a kind of mixture consisting of breads, herbs, veggies, and sometimes meat. Sometimes there the exact same thing just depends where you grew up at. To me, I can’t eat anything that as such a wide range of possible outcomes. Sometimes it looks like breadcrumbs, sometimes it looks like a stew. All the time I pass on it.

1. Chitlins/Chitterlings

If your family cooks chitterlings, don’t even invite me over. First off, it’s pork so that’s already a red flag, but for it to be pig intestines? Do you know what goes on in your intestines? And then for it to be a pig’s? Have some respect for yourselves. But then the smell, my goodness, the smell is insane. I don’t have the energy for my house to be stinky the entire day all the way up to dinner. How am i supposed to be in a thankful spirit when I can’t even breathe peacefully? They smell terrible, the preparation process is strenuous, and they are just downright disgusting. Just keep the chitlins away from me or our friendship could be in serious jeopardy.

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