In an interview with rolling out, fitness expert Beast Mode Chef discusses effective strategies for increasing metabolism and achieving fitness goals. The renowned trainer, known for his successful client transformations, shares insights on proper nutrition, exercise and the importance of professional guidance.
3 Key Takeaways:
1. Eat breakfast within the first hour of waking up to increase your metabolism by 80%.
2. Incorporate high-intensity training (HIIT) into your regimen.
3. Strength train for optimal results and continued calorie burn.
Monisha J. Brown: Hello, rolling out family. Listen, you all have been asking about working out. I have one of the best in the business with us today on rolling out. He was my personal trainer for a while. I was in the best shape of my life under his regimen. He is known for his extreme transformations. I want to introduce to you all to, the Beast Mode Chef. Chef, welcome to rolling out.
Beast Mode Chef: Hey, what’s going on? Thanks for having me.
Monisha J. Brown: You are so welcome. Listen, I’m bringing you on today because you make working out easy. When I train with you, and do exactly what you tell me to do, I get the results. The biggest thing that people are wondering right now is how to increase their metabolism. First, can you explain to us the benefit of increasing metabolism and what does it mean?
Beast Mode Chef: Okay. Increasing your metabolism simply means getting your body burning more calories. The more calories your body burns, the faster the weight comes off. It’s all about burning calories. If your metabolism is slow, then you are burning minimal calories.
Think about it like the wood stove. When you put a piece of wood in the stove, to keep that fire burning, you have got to keep feeding it. It’s the same way with your metabolism. One thing I suggest is eating more frequently. The most common mistake I see is people skipping breakfast. You should have your breakfast in the first hour of waking up, and that is going to increase your metabolism by about 80% for that day alone. That’s number one.
Number two is incorporating a high-intensity training (HIIT) workout into your regimen. I would like to go into that a little bit more. A high-intensity workout is going to increase your metabolism the fastest. Now, when I say workout, you can get it increased by more intervals, but it must be high intensity.
Strength training will work best. Let me list two things that you’re going to benefit from when your strength train. One, strength training builds lean muscle and burns more calories. One pound of muscle burns about six calories in a day. The more lean muscle you put on, the faster your metabolism is going to become.
Secondly, I want to emphasize EPOC, which pretty much equates to post-oxygen consumption. When you strength train, your body can burn calories even days after that one workout. That’s going to increase your metabolism. That only happens when you lift weights. If you really want to be successful in your journey, while cardio and meal prepping are great, you cannot leave out strength training.
Monisha J. Brown: That’s good. Thank you for breaking that down. Now, this is not for me. This is for the audience. What about those of us who say, I’m afraid to strength train because I don’t want to bulk up? What would you say to that?
Beast Mode Chef: That’s a great question. If you’re following a good meal plan and you have a calorie deficit, no matter how much weight you lift or how often you do so, you won’t bulk up. The only reason you may begin to bulk up is if your carbohydrates are too high. So, you need to understand what macronutrients and micronutrients are and how to break down those percentages.
Most people start off the new year looking to get in shape, but they don’t start with a plan. I think you should do a little bit of homework on macronutrients and micronutrients. When it comes to fats, carbs, and proteins, you need to know how much of each you should consume. If you maintain a calorie deficit in these categories, there is no way you’re going to get bigger.
Monisha J. Brown: Got it. For those of us who really don’t know our way around the gym or don’t know how to strength train ourselves, why is it important to hire a professional like yourself?
Beast Mode Chef: Hiring a professional is definitely important. I see a lot of people following videos or following someone that may or may not be educated in this field. Trainers are not a one-size-fits-all.
You really need to know how to select a trainer. When it comes to personal trainers, they can only take you where they’ve been. First and foremost, I would sit down with the professional and I would ask to see their portfolio of client transformations. I don’t want to see their personal transformation. I want to see how they have transformed their clients.
Monisha J. Brown: If someone wants to find out more information or get more tips from you, where can they find you?
Beast Mode Chef: I am very easy to find. Visit The Beast Mode Chef on all social media handles.
Monisha J. Brown: Thank you, Beast Mode Chef, for giving us tips and for joining us on rolling out.
Beast Mode Chef: Thank you. Take care.