Science and Technology

Best tech gadgets released in 2013

2013 introduced lots of new gadgets for technology lovers. From tablets to phones to watches, tech gadgets were at the top of everyone’s Christmas list.

Top-selling video games of 2013

2013 was a great year for gamers and the companies who released them. From action packed to sports to a family night of dancing, there

5 free apps to help organize your finances

In light of the recession, there have been an increasing number of students graduating college without employment, forcing many to have to work lower wage

Instagram’s direct messaging funniest memes

The launching of Instagram’s new feature – Instagram Direct, instantly sparked numerous memes to pop up on  news feeds with many users speculating that IG’s

The hottest last minute Christmas deals

Ebates and FatWallet are revealing the hottest deals to take advantage of this weekend. With only a few days left before Free Shipping Day on

PS4 VS Xbox One

It’s an exciting week for gamers across the world as the battle between Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One officially begins. While it’s unusual

‘Game of Thrones’ to become a video game

Get ready gamers! Walking Dead developer Telltale has confirmed that they’re working on making the HBO hit fantasy drama series, Game of Thrones, a video game

How to choose a Facebook friendly camera

With the advent of smartphones, some of the smaller consumer point and shoot cameras are becoming obsolete among the social media savvy. Brands caught the