Aryan Nation member targets O.J. Simpson in prison


Apparently, former NFL superstar O.J. Simpson recently made a deadly enemy in prison. Simpson is serving time at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada for kidnapping and armed robbery. According to prison sources, there was a line of prisoners waiting for their medication, when Simpson decided to cut to the front.

But Aryan Nation member Travis “Blu” Waugh, was having none of it and told Simpson to take his “ugly black a– to the back of the line and wait like everybody else.” He then allegedly pushed Simpson and sent him flying into a wall. Simpson struggled to get up because of his bad knee, went over to Waugh and spat in his face. That’s when a riot nearly broke out as Simpson and Waugh squared off to fight as other prisoners tried to hold the two men apart. Simpson put up his fists and declared “I’m gonna teach this guy a lesson” but correctional guards stepped in and stopped the brawl before it started. Waugh was heard to scream at Simpson “I am going to make it my mission to kill your n—-r a–. You will not leave here alive — do you hear me?!”

Simpson does indeed have good reason to fear Waugh, who is in the upper hierarchy of the Aryan Nation and is doing time for sexual assault with substantial bodily harm. At 67, Simpson walks with a cane and has bad knees due to his NFL career. But all Simpson has to do is hold on for his parole hearing in 2017 and avoid the wrath of the Aryan Nation brotherhood. It is believed that Waugh was sent to solitary confinement for attacking Simpson.

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